Just a spritz of water here and there and succulents take care of themselves. These artistic sculptures utilize wireframes and other methods to keep succulents in place. Succulent Topiary, created by Pat Hammer, Director of Operations of the San Diego Botanical Garden. Image ©Inspiration Green. “Succulent People” with clay faces and a bit of metal […]
Recycled Glass Art
Repurposed glass dishes become an apple tree.By Alison Fox. alisonsstainedglass.com Repurposed glass. “A Sprite’s Garden” $595, 28 x 15″By Alison Fox. alisonsstainedglass.com ‘Downtown’ 27″ x 20″ repurposed glass.By Alison Fox.alisonsstainedglass.com Glass dishes and vase.By Alison: alisonsstainedglass.com A geode path with carnival glass, depression glass, a lamp base and a unique blue furniture coaster. 22″ x 19″ $595. alisonsstainedglass.com Vintage crystal window […]
Fairy Houses
Supply a home to our ethereal friends in your backyard, in a park, or in your city apartment. Great fun with kids, as the activity is usually outside in nature, and sparks imagination and creative play. Fairy Houses Fairy House on Monhegan Island, Maine. fairyhouses.com Fairy House. saras-toy-box.blogspot.com Fairy House by Aviary. pinterest.com Fairy House at […]
Omo Valley Tribes
Imagine growing up without artwork on the walls, minimal paper and no pens but surrounded by bodies, nature, colored minerals and all sorts of animals with amazing designs. The Ultimate Canvas: The Human Body In the remote Omo valley in Africa, where the earliest known Homo sapiens remains have been found, indigenous tribes have been […]
Upcycling Dinner Plates And Old China
Reuse of old plates, china, porcelain, and dishes. Yvonne Ellen homeware. Yvonne paints or decals contemporary and quirky illustrations on vintage plates and other china. Each piece is original and no two designs are alike. www.etsy.com Yvonne Ellen homeware. www.etsy.com Yvonne Ellen homeware. Antique plates with decals. www.etsy.com Yvonne Ellen homeware. Combining vintage items with contemporary […]
Terrace Farming
Farmland shaped into terraces are built for long-term success. When it rains, instead of washing away the soil, the soil stays in place. Nutrients are also held in place or carried down to the next level. Terrace Farming In China Terrace rice fields in Yunnan Province, China. Rice paddy cultivation has been in use for […]
Urine Powered Generator
Girl Power! Four young Nigerian girls have invented a generator that runs on urine. The invention was first displayed in Lagos, November, 2012, at the 4th annual Maker Faire, a pan-African innovation fair. Three 14-year-olds, Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, Faleke Oluwatoyin and 15-year-old Bello Eniola are the inventors. How The Urine Powered Generator Works The […]
Chicken Wire Sculpture
Why sculpt out of chicken wire? Ask the artist who’s started a Kickstarter to fund 8-foot high chicken wire sculpture of Minnie Pearl. “When people see sculptures, they often walk straight past but with chicken wire they double take and return to have a closer look,” writes artist Ricky Pittman. “You can see their brain […]
Hedge Laying
Over two thousand years older than chain link. A living hedge not only keeps livestock fenced but also prevents soil erosion and water runoff. Living hedges are good wind blocks and snow collectors as well as habitat to birds, insects and small mammals. And they sequester carbon, rather than produce it, such as during the […]
Wattle Fence
Wattle is woven wood fencing. Hurdles are woven wattle fencing panels. Historically moveable hurdles were employed for pasture and livestock rotation. We have been wattle making (wattling) since Neolithic times. How To Weave A Wattle Fence The upright stakes are sometimes called “sales” and the saplings called ‘weavers’. Hazel, willow, sweet chestnut, plum, forsythia or any supple, long, straight, slender saplings make […]
The Art Of The Dry Stack Stone Wall
Dry (without mortar) stone work in the hands of a skilled waller is an art form. An art form that will last multiple lifetimes and serves multiple functions. Using but one tool; the hammer, and much patience and strength, a skilled waller can lay yards of fence per day. Most modern wallers do not like […]
Hundertwasser Paintings and Textiles
The Colorful Hundertwasser. No straight lines, please! Friedensreich Hundertwasser- Red Streets- amazon.co.uk Hundertwasser Poster- pic source: sanfchorn.wordpress.com “The work of the artist is very difficult, because it cannot be done by force, diligence or intelligence.” Hundertwasser- Irinaland over the Balkans, 1969. hundertwasser.at Hundertwasser- Blobs grow in beloved gardens. hundertwasser-kalender.de “We are in need of magic […]
Moss Art
Bringing out the beauty of this 350-million-year-old plant. Mud Maiden Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornall, England www.heligan.com Mud Maiden Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornall, England. www.heligan.com The Giant’s Head Lost Gardens of Heligan. By Susan & Pete Hill. www.heligan.com Mud Maiden (a newer sister to above) By Susan & Pete Hill – Private Collection. www.flixya.com […]
Plastic To Fuel
All around the globe companies and individuals are starting to produce fuel from waste plastic. As only 8% of waste plastic is recycled in the U.S., 15% in Western Europe, and much less in developing countries, this reuse of plastic could potentially keep enormous amounts of plastic out of landfills and out of the oceans. […]
Food Companies Fighting GMO Labeling
Washington State’s GMO Labeling Ballot Initiative (I-522) I-522 would have mandated clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages. The initiative was voted on in 2013. It lost, 51% to 49%. Among the companies who fought the labeling requirements, and money they spent on the ‘No on 522’ campaign were: Monsanto: $5,374,411 DuPont: $3,880,159 […]
Art From Old Books
Many old books simply get thrown out—even by libraries. Artists have found a better second life for unwanted books. Jonathan Callan of London – The Defrauder. joseebienvenugallery.com Jonathan Callen uses large screws to hold the books together. joseebienvenugallery.com Jonathan Callen – The theoretical assumptions of management, 2008. Originally found at “https://www.artnet.com/galleries/kudlek-van-der-grinten-galerie/” Cara Barer of Houston, […]
Insect Hotel
What Is An Insect Hotel? Insect hotels are winter lodgings for your backyard crawling and flying bugs. Usually made of found or upcycled materials around your yard, these hotels consist of different suites catered to each little bug’s preferred lodging taste. Most hotels are constructed with a strong protective frame of wood boards or pallets and […]
Styrofoam Art
Expanded/Extruded Polystyrene Inspiration – (C8H8)n Styrofoam is a trademark name of Dow Chemical and is ‘extruded’ polystyrene (hard insulation). The white stuff used for packing and coolers is ‘expanded’ polystyrene, but often mistakenly referred to as styrofoam as well. Nurdle Beach. A nurdle is a pre-production plastic pellet or ground down particles which were formerly […]
String Art
Artists who’ve done incredible portraits and abstract work using everyday string or thread. String Art By Casey Zavaglia ‘Darbi’ – cotton, silk and wool thread on linen by Cayce Zavaglia. Sanded acrylic paint on the background only. 6.5 x 7.5″. Cayce lives and works in St Louis, Missouri. www.caycezavaglia.com ‘Dad’ by Cayce Zavaglia. “The direction in which the threads are sewn […]
Circuit Board Art
Circuit boards are the foundation of 21st century, online living. They’re also strangely beautiful. The Circuit Board Art Of Theo Kamecke Circuit Board Box. Theo Kamecke started collecting vintage circuit boards in the 1980s. Old circuit boards were often handmade, and therefore unique and interesting. www.theokamecke.com Inside of a circuit board box by Theo Kamecke. […]
Flatpack Urban Farm Grows 6.6 Tons of Food in 538 Square Feet
This flatpack urban farm only takes up 538 square feet, but its creators say that it can yield as much as 6 tonnes (6.6 tons) of fresh produce per year.
Easy Upcycling: Repurpose An Old Door Into A Dining Table
Need to replace your front door? Don’t toss the old one: easy upcycler Jennifer Tuohy shows you how to turn it into a dining table.
Bonne O vs. SodaStream
Bonne O Carbonator vs. SodaStream: The Ultimate Sparkling Water Smackdown
21 Facts About Bottled Water, The Environment, & Human Health
The plastic water bottle market in the United States is worth billions of dollars annually. Plastic water bottles can be purchased just about everywhere and they are quite convenient, but there are many problems associated with them. In fact, when you become aware of the problems and how many there are, you may never buy […]
15 Earth Homes
Some earth homes take advantage of something called thermal mass, which basically means that the mass of a structure has some capacity to store heat. So the mass of a home can stay at a more constant temperature than temperatures outside the home due to the presence and absence of sunlight in a 24-hour period. Obviously, […]
Living Off The Grid
Living off the grid might seem like a dream come true for some of us. No longer tied to electricity or natural gas coming for a utility, we have greater choices for locations and saving money over the long-term. If you are someone who wants to set down roots away from the traffic and bustle […]
7 Ways To Upcycle Styrofoam Coolers
Got foam containers laying around that you don’t want to throw away. Here are some ways to upcycle styrofoam coolers and shipping boxes.
Phyllis Galembo – Masquerade
Portraits of masqueraders – Galembo has spent the past twenty-five years photographing rituals and religious culture in Africa, Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and Mexico. Akata Dance Masqueraders, Ogoja, Nigeria, 2004, Ilfochrome, printed 2011, edition 3/5, 30″ x 30″ www.stevenkasher.com. It is the ancestor’s responsibility to compel the living to uphold the ethical standards of past […]
Miswak Stick Tootbrush
Toothpaste and Toothbrush in One; miswak toothbrushes
Safe Cosmetics
Safe Cosmetics
Unique Shoes Made From Upcycled Material
Reuse Shoes, recycled shoes, upcycled shoes…
Unique Jewelry Made From Upcycled Materials
Reuse Jewelry Inspiration
Unique Purses From Upcycled Material
Eco Pocketbooks
Upcycled Fashion
Reuse, Crafty and Ingenious Clothes
Eco-Toys for Ages 6-10
Wooden Jumbo Cable Car Exploration Kit Once assembled and set up, this cable car can travel across a room, between two trees, up a hill, down into a valley, etc, etc! Load up the cable car with favorite dolls or toys (not included) and then let the journey begin as the car is pulled as […]
Eco Friendly Toys Ages 3-7
Eco Toys Ages 3-7
Christmas Trees: Real vs. Artificial
Which is more sustainable an artificial or real Christmas tree?
Safe Children’s Toys
safe wooden organic children’s toys
Straw Panels
Prefabricated Straw Panels
Fork and Spoon Chandeliers
Fork and Spoon Chandeliers
Charcoal Stick Filters
Charcoal Stick Filters
Gladiators Were Vegan
Gladiators Were Vegan
Kombucha Fabric
Suzanne Lee Kombucha Fabric
Genetically Modified Cartoons
Monsanto Cartoons and Posters
Is Milk a Whole Food?
Is Milk a Whole Food?
Fruit Flies Live Longer on an Organic Diet
Fruit Flies Live Longer on an Organic Diet
Food Dyes Linked to Behavioral Problems
Food Dyes Linked to Behavioral Problems
Food Choices Affect the Climate
Food Choices Affect the Climate
Dent Corn Puts a Dent in Our Health
Dent Corn and Sweet Corn
7 Best Veggie Burgers
Best Veggie Burgers