If you’re a new homesteader on new land, you’re in an interesting place. You’ve probably just left everything in the city, your job, your friends, your family, your inherited way of life, to start over in the country. And, like earlier generations of back-to-the-landers, you may not really know what you are doing, have had […]
13 DIY Christmas Gifts
Whether you’re trying to avoid holiday shopping crowds or you simply want to spend more time creating unique presents this season, DIY Christmas gifts are heartfelt, fun to make, and personal. When you make a gift for someone, you don’t just invest in materials — you invest time in the person. Check out the DIY […]
Raising Cayuga Ducks
Though it was hardly a masculine name, I couldn’t help but refer to our male Cayuga as “Lisa Frank Duck.” He may have looked like a simple black duck in the shadows, but as soon as he waddled into a shaft of sunlight, a dazzling array of rainbow hues burst across his glossy feathers. And […]
Homestead Stories: The Rare Middlemist Red
What makes a plant rare? Or anything for that matter? Well, it’s rare if there are only a few examples in existence. The Middlemist red (scientifically identified as unspecified Camellia), a deep pink, rose-like flower — not red as its name suggests — with lush green foliage, was imported as a luxury item from China […]
Introduction To Permaculture
Interested in permaculture and not sure what to plant? This could be a great article to get ideas for unique and useful permaculture species! Before we begin, let’s talk about what permaculture is. What Is Permaculture? Permaculture is a land management or agricultural approach which aims at adopting itself to mimic natural ecosystems as closely […]
6 Reasons Why I Chose Clover as a Living Mulch
I mentioned in my post about building raised beds that I chose to add New Zealand white clover to the edges of the raised bed to act as a living mulch. First off, I should explain what a living mulch is, and how it differs from a cover crop: “In agriculture, a living mulch is a […]
Homestead Stories: Growing Vegetables Indoors
The growing season is too short and I long for fresh vegetables year-round. Whilst most supermarkets have fresh produce (at a price depending on where it came from), there’s nothing quite like growing one’s own food, indoors or out, and enjoying the benefits of the harvest. I have had considerable success growing lettuce and herbs […]
Companion Planting For Turnips
Turnips are great for any garden, and you can use companion planting to help them grow even better. Permaculture Research Institute describes companion planting as “A gardening method which makes use of the synergistic properties found in nature: cooperation between plants to achieve optimum health and viability.” View this post on Instagram A post shared […]
20 Festive Holiday Dessert Recipes
If you’re in search of some holiday dessert recipes for the festive and chilly season, you’ve come to the right place. From traditional classics, classics with a twist, and maybe some things you’ve not thought of, we’ve put together a list of recipes that are sure to be family favorites in no time. Old-Fashioned Gingerbread […]
Growing Cucumbers Using A Trellis
I love growing fresh cucumbers in my country garden and enjoy having plenty for salads and pickling. Most seasons, I have lots left over to share with friends and family or to sell at the market. Native to India, cucumbers are members of the cucurbit plant family, the same as gourds, squash, and pumpkin. They […]
6 Healing Herbs You Should Know About
Of the thousands of plants growing wild in nature, most are considered common weeds. However, many of these plants have healing, therapeutic properties. When out exploring nature, don’t be too quick to dismiss a plant as just another wildflower or common weed. Mountain mint, dandelion, burdock root, Oregon grape root, willow, plantain, arnica, chickweed, calendula, […]
Ethically Harvesting & Processing Aloe Vera
Had fun in the sun and now your skin is burned? Do you deal with irritating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, or eczema? Are you constipated or have digestive issues? What about dental plaque? Do you have buildup? The list could go on, but let’s pause here and give a grand and beautiful solution […]
Companion Planting For Eggplant
If you enjoy grilling outdoors, eggplant is a must in the homestead garden. Companion planting and a bit of effort will help ensure a bountiful harvest of succulent, sun-blessed orbs. During the height of the summer season, you will harvest several eggplants a week. Plant a few more, and they are a profitable cash crop […]
Homestead Stories: Common Burdock
My friend passed the paper, and I read the headline: “Invasive Weed Killing Animals — Wow! That’s scary. What else does burdock kill?” “Just about everything in its path by the sound of it.” “We seem to have a lot of invasive plants taking over.” “The powers that be always have a great plan,” my […]
Companion Planting For Peppers
Do you love mild, crisp peppers in a broad spectrum of colors? Or hot red chili peppers that make your taste buds tingle and your eyes water? Grow peppers in your garden and you’ll have an assortment to add bold flavor to soups, stews, stir-fries, sandwiches, salads, and salsa. Folks who say they don’t like […]
How To Integrate Goats Into The Homestead
A multipurpose, engaging, and entertaining animal with a great many uses ranging from companionship to commercial meat production, the domestic goat is an excellent addition to most any homestead. Novice homesteaders discover that raising goats for their milk, meat, and fiber can be a financially rewarding experience. However, caring for them can also be a […]
13 DIY Candle Ideas
Candles bring warmth to any space. DIY candles are a fantastic way to customize ambient sight and scent and save money while doing it. They are a fantastic gift and there are a lot of options when it comes to the materials and style of candle you make. We are going to go over the […]
How to Amend Arid & Nutrient-Depleted Soil
Do you have dry, depleted soil on your homestead or farm? Does your soil not provide your plants with the appropriate nutrients to help them grow, and do you struggle to establish plants because of the soil conditions in your area? Is your soil very dry or xeric? Or do you work in areas with […]
8 Winter Vegetables You Should Plant In Your Garden
August rolls around, and lots of us start looking at the garden with a sad sigh. The cucumbers are petering out. The tomatoes are still going strong, but the first frost (is it really looming already?) will wipe them (and the okra) from the plot until next year. The summer squash is gangly and tired, and […]
Homestead Stories: Fungus Gnat
“Not again,” I groaned. Perhaps I should have said, “Gnat again?” It seemed every time I opened a new bag of potting soil, my house became infested with these fruit fly-like critters. I know fungus gnats are not harmful, but they multiply fast. It had only been a week since I opened a new bag […]
13 DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas
Halloween is right around the corner and you probably need some decorations if you want to have the spookiest looking house in the neighborhood. Purchasing seasonal home decor can get expensive, and it is not environmentally friendly to buy cheap products you will likely dispose of within a year or two. When you make a […]
Companion Planting For Broccoli
Experienced organic gardeners bring diversity and balance to the garden with the age-old wisdom of companion planting, a time-tested method of close planting specific species based on their propensity to enhance each other’s growth and quality. Companion planting can help you grow a thriving crop of delicious, healthy broccoli. Companion plants offer shade or shelter, […]
13 Fall Crafts Ideas for the Family
The evenings are getting cooler, and I can sense that special, autumn crispness all around me. If you haven’t already done so, check your crafting supplies, because here come the autumnal-themed crafting ideas for you and your whole family. There’s something for everyone on this list. Grab your hot cocoa or warm cider, gather your […]
How to Create a Tree Nursery
A tree nursery is a designated area where young trees are cultivated and grown. They are made to grow vigorous, healthy, young trees. Tree nurseries help support young trees by protecting them from outside dangers (i.e., weather, animals) and competition from other vegetation. Think of it as a preschool; a place small children go before […]
How To Eat A Persimmon: 4 Easy Steps To Enjoy This Unique Fruit
When I first moved to California, the house we rented had a mature Fuyu persimmon tree in the front yard. I had never tasted them before and didn’t know what to make of them or even how to eat a persimmon. It wasn’t long before the tree’s boughs began to bend with the weight of […]
Preparing for Cold Weather Predators
Predators are just trying to live their best life. As the weather turns from summer to autumn, the temperatures begin to drop, and as winter creeps in, it becomes more difficult for predators to find food. We go to the markets to buy whatever it is we need to care for ourselves. Unfortunately, humans have […]
Homestead Stories: Skeleton Flowers
“Oh my! Those petals are translucent — why is that?” It was eerie. Once again, I was visiting my friend and enjoying the array of plants in her garden. She had something new to show me, something uncommon. “Diphylleia grayi.” I could always count on her to be technical in answers, especially when it came […]
19 DIY Potting Bench Plans
Potting benches are functional, provide storage, and add style. They range from small and simple to a more elaborate centerpiece for your outdoor space. Building a DIY potting bench is a big task but a rewarding one. There are many ways to construct your potting bench and many designs you can use. No matter what […]
Live Fencing: What Is It and How to Implement It
A few years ago, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal, West Africa with the specific task of implementing agroforestry practices. Before this position, I was only vaguely familiar with agroforestry, but since then, my eyes have been opened to it, and I see it quite a lot. Whether done unintentionally through home […]
Raising Muscovy Ducks And Why You Probably Want Them
With their clawed feet, bizarre-looking caruncles, mohawk-like crest, and lack of quack, Muscovy ducks don’t quite fit the “bill” (if you pardon the pun) for what you might consider a “normal” duck. But on our homestead, these are the only ducks we want to keep because they have won our hearts with both their utility […]
Companion Planting For Cabbage
Companion planting is one of the very best ways to keep cabbage plants healthy and free from insect pests such cabbage loopers, cabbage root maggots, slugs, flea beetles, diamondback moths, and aphids. Cabbage is easy to grow in the homestead garden if you select varieties suitable to your United States Plant Hardiness Zone, enhance the […]
15 Creative DIY Garage Plans And Ideas
Your garage can be one of the unique spaces in your home. Most commonly, a garage provides you a secure place to park your vehicle and acts as a catch-all for tools and yard equipment, but there is a wide range of possibilities to improve your garage and maximize use of this space. Why Build […]
20+ DIY Bat House Plans
If you’re considering adding a bat house to your property, you likely already know the benefits of inviting these furry friends to your yard. Among their many positive qualities, the top three are their excellent pollinating abilities, their beneficial guano, and the fact that they eat mosquitoes by the thousands per day. Just one bat […]
10 Probiotic-Rich Foods That Are Even Better Than Yogurt
Move over, yogurt! These probiotic rich foods are even better.
Companion Planting For Celery
You can help your celery crop thrive with companion planting. Companion planting is a centuries-old method of organic gardening that places plants that support the growth and development of each other, near each other. Companion plants deter harmful insect pests, attract beneficial pollinators, provide support and shade, enhance the soil, suppress weeds, and conserve moisture. […]
19 DIY Duck House Plans
Ducks differ in their needs from backyard chickens, and it can be straightforward to create a DIY duck house with some readily available, basic materials. When starting your flock, making your own duck house instead of purchasing an overpriced product from a retail store, can save you time and money. If you want to add […]
12 Vegetables That Can Grow In Shade
Just because your yard, porch, or plot of land is permanently sitting in dappled shade, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on gardening or providing your family with homegrown goodness. Plenty of vegetables are perfectly capable of growing in partial shade. You’d be surprised at just what you CAN grow! Full Sun, Partial […]
Homestead Stories: Japanese Knotweed
“It’s so pretty.” I heard the comment of a nearby, daily walker. “Why is she pulling it?” I wanted to stop what I was doing and explain, but I was making progress — well, sort of — and I didn’t want to lose momentum. It was a nasty job, pulling invasive weeds and this weed […]
15 DIY Carport Plans
Anyone living in an area dominated by harsh elements understands the importance of carports. Apart from protecting the car from the harshest weather, carports also provide additional and versatile space. They ensure your asset enjoys enhanced protection. The good news is you don’t have to hire professional contractors to build a carport for you. You […]
10 Considerations For Your Backyard Duck Coop
When it comes to barnyard livestock, ducks are probably the easiest-going of the bunch. When there is a slight drizzle, the goats complain and run into the barn. When the north wind blows ice crystals across the fields, your chickens are floofed-up and hiding in the coop. Meanwhile, the ducks are blithely waddling across slush […]
What Is Fruit Tree Grafting?
Do you have an orchard or a beautiful fruit tree you would like to see produce more fruit? Are you interested in growing more fruit varieties but not necessarily planting more trees? And would you like to produce fruit quicker on younger trees? If the answer was yes to any of the above, you might […]
How to Start a Compost Business (and Why)
Since 2015, I have owned and operated a fully-permitted Tier 2 composting facility in Johnson City, Tennessee. We have grown every year and our future looks bright. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to build a greener America, I encourage you to consider starting your own compost business. This article will give you […]
Ground Rules for Foraging Safely
Foraging is more than a hobby. It’s a means of sustenance, and for some of us, it really is a way of life. Pretty much everyone has an idea that some wild plants are edible whether they work in a city high-rise or hoe weeds on the farm. Even in this strange modern age, many […]
17 Comfy DIY Hammock Plans
Relaxing in a hammock offers a quality way to enjoy the great outdoors. Suspended in air, the swaying motion is soothing and puts you right to sleep. A DIY hammock that you create yourself — maybe out of recycled, everyday materials you already have laying around — could be more fulfilling than buying readymade. A […]
Healthy Homemade Homestead Snacks
Sometimes, you just get a hankering for something salty and crunchy. Usually, that itch is scratched with a snack from a shiny, throwaway bag that has more multisyllabic chemical ingredients than there should be. But on a homestead seeking both a healthier lifestyle and a less wasteful existence, those Bag O’Salt crunchies really shouldn’t have […]
Foraging for Pokeweed
Elvis sang about it. Gardeners loathe it. Old-timers grew up on it. Suburban moms are afraid of it and pull it out with gloves … and foragers? They’re inconsistent about it. It’s a miracle cure, a deadly poison, a nutritious food, a pest, a gift. It’s pokeweed! Watch the Video: This hotly contested, rich-historied, delicious […]
17 DIY Pool Deck Ideas for a Sunny Day
Setting up above-ground pools is pretty simple. They don’t require excavation, and they cost around a quarter the price of an in-ground pool. Although most people believe that an in-ground pool is more beautiful, an above-ground pool with a pool deck is just as lovely. For your DIY pool deck, you’ll want a freestanding deck […]
Introduction To Integrated Pest Management
There’s one major challenge that applies to all levels of agriculture, from starting a garden to running an orchard, and everything that falls between. It’s a shared challenge that growers face regardless of location, climate, or economic resources. It’s pests – whether it’s weeds, ants, beetles, caterpillars, goats, sheep, cats, or even other humans (the last […]
Building With Hempcrete 101
Hempcrete is used as a highly insulative wall material. It is a carbon-negative, natural, and lightweight construction material that provides highly efficient temperature and moisture control. It is also formable, dynamic, one-seventh the weight of concrete, and cures within hours. What Are the Benefits of Hempcrete? The benefits are manifold. It is highly insulative, regulates […]
16 Cozy DIY Dog Houses for Your Dogs
We all love our animals. We want to give them the best homes, comfort, and shelter possible. When they’re outside, it’s nice to provide them shelter so they can be protected in their outdoor space. That’s why it’s so essential to build your dog a comfortable, functional, and stylish dog house. By making a DIY dog […]