“It’s that time of year again.” My friend groaned as we made our garden rounds. “What time?” I asked. “Springtime,” she said. “Time to clean up the yard. Everything comes to life.” “Even humans.” “Especially gardening-type humans.” She chuckled at my joke. “But we have to be careful,” I added. “You’ve always told me to […]
10 Off-Grid Projects You Can Finish This Weekend
Going off-grid is a huge endeavor and one that could take years to accomplish as you search for land, make the move, and set up your self-reliant system. If you’re just getting started, it can seem like an insurmountable task to think about all that needs to be done. And if you don’t have your […]
Complete Guide to Culinary Herbs and How to Use Them
Culinary herbs are edible plants that feature an incredible aroma and add flavor to foods and beverages. You’ll often find these herbs in grocery stores and farmers markets. These herbs allow you to experiment with different flavors and explore awesome recipe tweaks that completely uplevel your dishes. But, of course, the best part is you […]
Foraging for Dock
There are several plants that have become all but invisible due to their sheer ubiquity and the fact they can grow in less-than-desirable places. Watch the video: Dock is one of those plants – a colonizer of empty lots, a squatter in industrial gravel piles, roadside inhabitant, and pasture weed. For years, its subliminal association […]
Uses And Benefits Of Cover Crops
What Are Cover Crops? Cover crops are planted in rotation with other crops to improve soil health, control erosion and hold nutrients. With the right rotation of cover crops for your climate and soil texture, you can increase your garden’s yield and reduce your environmental footprint. Cover Crops: What Not To Do My first summer […]
Organic Farming in the Everglades
Have you ever tried to cultivate land on bedrock? Or grow food in extremely alkaline soil? How about converting bedrock into workable soil? Tried organic farming in the midst of traditional farmers who are creating superbugs? Ever dealt with pesky and elusive species like green iguanas and black and white tegus? What do you think […]
Growing Tomatoes
Delicious, versatile, juicy, nothing says summer to me like fresh tomatoes still warm from the sun. As the song goes, “there’s two things money can’t buy: that’s true love and homegrown tomatoes.” One of the home gardener’s favorite staples is the tomato, but it can be a finicky plant, especially in cooler climates. I’ve grown […]
20 Eye-Catching Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds
If you’re wondering how you can attract hummingbirds to your garden oasis, look no further. Here are 20 flowers you can plant that have bright colors, high-quality nectar, tubular-shaped flowers, and other features that will entice the charming flappers to your yard. Read on to learn more about 20 Bee Balm USDA Zone: 4-9 Bloom […]
Homestead Stories: The Rainbow Tree
I love my trees, and I’m always looking for something unusual or different from forests around the world. Imagine my delight to discover a tree that grows in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. It is cleverly called the rainbow tree. Actually, rainbow eucalyptus or Eucalyptus deglupta, to be more accurate. It’s also known […]
Introduction to Worm Farming
If you’re interested in cultivating dynamic, healthy, nutrient-rich soil, and are keen to incorporate nature’s natural composters, worm farming may be a perfect option for you. While rather less common than most soil invigorators, worm farming may be the most beneficial option (and in the long run, the least amount of work). Interested? Read on […]
Traditional Lawns: Their Environmental Harm & Practical Replacements
Lawns, as we know them, have held their landscaping tyranny over our yards for far too long. Backed by out-of-touch homeowners associations (HOAs), zoning requirements, cultural expectations, and longstanding history of conformity, lawns have kept too many of us out spraying, mowing, reseeding, and weeding for no good reason. It’s time for a change. Watch […]
4 Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Plants
Inflammation is a common and seemingly widespread health ailment that many people experience. Most have either heard of or dealt with it, but what is inflammation? And how can we provide ourselves with solutions to help alleviate symptoms associated with it? More specifically, solutions that are beyond stereotypical pain killers (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.) that aren’t particularly […]
16 DIY Bird Bath Plans
Bird baths can attract more birds to your garden and add a decorative element to your yard. Though you can find bird baths for sale at home improvement stores, DIY bird bath plans help you upcycle the clutter in your garage, or put broken items to good use again. Upcycling is a way to reuse […]
10 Perennial Vegetables To Start Your Garden With
There is a huge variety of plants that we can choose from when we want to start our own garden. But starting your garden isn’t as simple as just throwing some seeds in the ground. You have to consider the plant’s sun, soil, and water requirements, as well as whether or not it’s well-suited for […]
80 Awesome Earth Day Tips
Happy Earth Day! What better way to celebrate than choosing to make some positive changes in your everyday life! Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint, teach your kids about the importance of protecting the environment, or support a company that makes donations to earth-conscious charities, we’ve found 80 things to do on Earth […]
Raising Pekin Ducks
When you think “duck” what image do you see? I bet for a majority of people, the endearingly chubby, orange-billed and white-feathered barnyard duck leaps (or rather waddles) into your mind’s eye. That duck is the Pekin. This duck breed is by far the most popular of the domesticated duck breeds, and its popularity has […]
Homestead Stories: Black Produce
“I’ve read about black apples,” I said as we were served at our favorite restaurant. “But black carrots and black potatoes?” “You’ll be pleasantly surprised,” the server replied. My vision of black produce was of the kind long past the edible stage and well on the way to the compost pile. I poked at the […]
What Is Toothache Grass?
If you live in the Southeastern United States, you may be familiar with a unique endemic plant. Toothache grass has been used for many centuries to help alleviate local aches and pains associated with toothaches (as the name implies). It is fire dependent, and it thrives (and can only be found) in fire-maintained environments with […]
15 DIY Cabin Plans
It’s fun to purchase a relaxing cabin or cottage by the lake, but not everyone has the money to do so. Fortunately, there are alternatives, and if you are good with your hands, you can build a DIY cabin. It will save you a lot of money in the long run. Important Details to Consider […]
21 Essential Off-Grid Tools We Love
We recently asked our Insteading Community and YouTube viewers if they had any questions about homesteading that we might answer. You all replied with some great questions, and gave us a lot of ideas on material we can pull together to help you! Watch The Video So for our first installment in what we hope […]
Stinging Nettle: A Medicinal Herb
Stinging nettle (many gardeners’ adversary) can be a powerful medicinal plant. Generally, when we hear a plant name that has the word “sting” in it, the associations aren’t good. May this article broaden our horizons! Stinging nettle has been a staple herb medicine since ancient times, dating all the way back to ancient Egyptians using […]
Getting Started With Self-Sufficient Living (And Why It IS Possible)
Self-sufficiency. What other term in the homesteading sphere carries such a weight of history, responsibility, and hope? Watch The Video Visions of lush, productive gardens, cozy wood stoves crackling with hand-split hardwood, provisions lining the pantry shelves, and healthy animals moving through the fields; all dance in our heads backed by the resounding questions: Is […]
Different Ways to Cook Wild Greens
One of the delights of foraging is realizing just how much food is –quite literally –beneath your feet. It can be exhilarating to go out into the field or forest with a basket in hand, and return with free berries, nuts, and more greens than you can shake a stick at. Watch The Video But […]
Homestead Stories: Cottage Gardens
“Your garden reminds me of an English cottage garden.” A student’s mother had stopped to chat as she dropped off her child for piano lesson. “So pretty, colorful, and full of life. Just like you.” Also disorganized and random, I thought to myself — before thanking her for the compliment. I guess that’s the appeal […]
How to Pay Off Debt by Thinking Like a Homesteader: 20 Practical Ideas to Try
When you have the burden of debt hanging over your life, you don’t feel free. Living paycheck-to-paycheck, coasting by on minimum payments, and playing hot potato with your credit cards is not the way anyone wants to live. Watch The Video It can feel like you’re stuck in a dead end rut, working hard at […]
How To Make Soy Milk
Back when I lived in the city, well before there were dairy goats in my barn, I had an automatic soy milk maker. I lived in an area where raw milk was (frustratingly) illegal, organic milk was really expensive, and store-bought soy milk had too many additives, so the machine gave me some sense of […]
How To Buy Meat Direct From A Farm
So you eat meat, and you want to get it from a farm you know and trust. Don’t we all! If you are considering buying meat direct from a local farmer for the first time, you may have some questions and uncertainties. When I was growing up, my parents bought meat from Safeway and other […]
Companion Plants For Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a staple of the American diet. You can grow many varieties of tomatoes—pick the ones that make the most sense for your garden based on your preferred texture, appearance, and flavor. You can grow dozens of different varieties from miniature grape tomatoes to heirloom. Traditional favorites cultivated in homestead gardens include: Early Girl […]
How to Incorporate a Wildlife Habitat on Your Homestead
Many homesteaders are lovers of the beautiful, nonhuman, natural world and want to see this world thrive on their land. They put bird and squirrel feeders, birdbaths, and perhaps, salt licks on their property to encourage birds, squirrels, and deer (among others) to feel welcome. These are great ways to attract wildlife to your homestead. […]
15 Delicious Sous Vide Recipes
Translating to “under vacuum” in French, sous vide is a process where food is vacuum-sealed in a bag and cooked at a precise temperature in a water bath. There are a few different reasons people chose this method or style of preparing food. Consistency Taste Flexibility Waste Reduction There are two main types of sous […]
Cultivating And Harvesting Wild Rice
Wild rice (Zizania palustris) is known as the “caviar of grains.” Contrary to its name, wild rice is actually the seeds of wetland grass. Other common names include water oats, Canadian rice, marsh oats, and blackbird oats. A native, aquatic, ancient cereal grain that grows in isolated riverbeds, marshes, and shallow lakes across North America, wild […]
What Is Mugwort?
A medicinal herb native to Europe and Asia, mugwort has had known benefits for centuries throughout the world. Its earliest introduction to North America was in the early 1600s when Jesuit missionaries migrating from Europe brought it to Canada. Since then, it has spread south into the eastern United States, and gradually, west as well. […]
19 DIY Workbench Plans
Regardless of the projects you’re tackling, chances are you could do them more efficiently with a workbench. Building your own workbench doesn’t necessarily require complex woodworking—but before you jump in to build your own, consider a few things, like your primary use for it and how much space you have for it. Be realistic about […]
25 Delicious Plum Recipes
Plums are underappreciated members of the fruit world — probably because they have a bad reputation in their dried form. Prunes have a laxative effect, and people rarely turn to prune juice over apple or other fruit juices. But fresh plums don’t bear any resemblance to dried prunes. They’re sweet, tart, and when perfectly ripe, […]
6 Different Ways To Use Thinnings and Scraps
When you start gardening, you start the process of raising your own food from the soil and cooking meals you grew with your own hands. It’s an amazing feeling, but as you begin to read gardening manuals and cookbooks to expand your skill set, you’ll come across phrases that make the hairs on the back […]
5 Goat Fencing Options And Details To Consider
Among goat owners, there’s a well-known saying: “A fence that won’t hold water won’t hold a goat.” And though that hyperbole may seem extreme … it’s certainly proven true by the generations of goat-escapees that have tested the patience of their fence-builders. I think it’s also safe to say there is no one perfect solution for comfortably containing […]
Homestead Stories: Black-Skinned Apples
What’s your favorite apple? I have many favorites: Braeburn, McIntosh, Snow, Northern Spy, Wolf River, Cortland, or Cox’s Orange Pippin. I don’t think there’s an apple I don’t like, though I have to admit I’m not partial to Granny Smith. Here are a few I’ve tried and enjoy regularly. One apple I’ve never considered trying, […]
Living Willow Hedges
You can call them willow hedges but maybe a more accurate term? “Fedges” = fence + hedge. Willows, sallows, and osiers form the genus Salix (Latin for willow), a grouping of 400-ish species of deciduous trees and shrubs. Willow are native to moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Almost all […]
15 Tropical Fruits You Should Know About
Ever been to an international grocery market and didn’t recognize half of the fruits that were stocked? Or how about a tropical vacation where you had the opportunity to feast on new and exotic fruits? Wanna widen your knowledge of fruits? Tired of the common grocery store fare (e.g., apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes)? This […]
Off-Grid Heating Options & Alternatives
Last month, we debuted the first post in our series of Homesteading Questions and Answers. As we get questions from you, we try to formulate the best possible answers to help you on your adventure. This month is all about off-grid heating options. Sarah wants to know about “Heat alternatives that don’t require the grid, […]
17 DIY Smoker Plans
Smoking is a prehistoric practice, and we have records of it in ancient sources of food and cooking. At its most basic, smoking meat just means hanging salted meat over a slow, smoky fire. Smokehouses haven’t changed much in thousands of years, but today there many different sizes and styles of smokers available commercially and […]
How To Make Muscadine Wine
Ever wanted to try your hand at vinification (winemaking)? Not sure where to start? Think it’s too expensive, time-consuming, or complicated? Well, I’ve got news for you. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and complicated — but, it doesn’t have to be. This article focuses on how to make simple, affordable, muscadine wine in just a […]
Homestead Stories: Orchids That Look Like Birds
I love my orchids. I have all shapes, sizes, and colors of orchids, and I know there are a lot more to consider adding to my collection. I’ve written about the more common orchids and I’ve written about some of the more unusual orchids. However, I think I’m most intrigued by the orchids that look […]
What Is Spilanthes?
Would you like to cultivate unique species in your garden that serve dual functions? Do you have toothaches and pains? Fungus infections? Are you in need of enhancing your digestion or immunity? Or are maybe just curious about plants that can serve these purposes? This probably sounds like an advertisement — but if you answered […]
28 DIY Chicken Feeders
Once you’ve designed your chicken coop and decided on chicken breeds, choosing a style of feeder for your birds seems trivial, but it’s not! It can make your daily routine more efficient, keep your birds on a healthy diet, and reduce the chances of disease. Alternatively, choosing the wrong feeder can lead to overeating, wasted […]
10 Ground Cover Plants to Replace Your Grass Lawn
Though it’s outside, there’s really nothing all that natural about the picture-perfect lawn. Artificially grown, watered, fertilized, and maintained, it’s a strange picture of modernity. We’ve made our case against the “normal” patch of featureless fescue, and if you agree with us, perhaps you’re ready to change up the backyard for something new and less […]
How To Build A Fish Farming Pond
Fish farming is an old agricultural method that modern homesteaders can use today. A great source of continuous protein, freshwater fish farms allow anyone to grow a different variety of fish that can be used for personal consumption. While it may be hard work to get started, building a fish farm can be rewarding, fun, […]
Different Types of Firewood To Use & To Avoid
It’s that time of year again! The birds are heading south, and the hearth fires are ablaze. Having a campfire out under the stars on a chilly night is one thing. Trying to heat your home with a wood stove or fireplace is quite another. Have you ever been around a fire when the wood […]
5 DIY Composting Toilet Ideas And Details To Consider
Most of us were raised on flush toilets. You go in the bathroom, do what you’ve got to do, and then the press of a shiny lever flushes all your unpleasantries into oblivion, never to be thought of again. But that modern luxury — and it is a luxury — is something that many of […]
6 Reasons To Raise Sheep
My parents raised sheep for several years when I was a kid. They were my favorite of the animals we experimented raising on our hobby farm. Watching the sheep give birth was absolutely amazing and the baby lambs made the most adorable pets! My siblings, friends, and I also got a lot of entertainment attempting […]