When it comes to composting bins, there’s truly something for everyone, whether you’re working with a tight budget or looking for a hands-off solution. From simple piles to high-tech tumbling bins, each option has its own perks and trade-offs, so finding the right one is all about matching your needs to your composting style.
What’s the Difference Between Hot and Cold Compost?
As gardeners, homesteaders, and off-grid types of all sorts, we know the importance of compost – it adds essential nutrients back to the soil and can help transform a lackluster, underperforming garden into an extremely productive oasis. But how do you go about making it? And what exactly is the difference between hot and cold
Things They Don’t Tell You About Living in the Country
Country life (or rural life for some folks): What sort of images come to your mind at this phrase? The beauty of nature on full display? The fresh smell of grass? Large open fields of grain under a picturesque blue sky with fluffy white clouds? A small town with cows lowing and sheep bleating in
Saws and Their Homestead Uses
Few tools come in as many different shapes and sizes as the humble saw. To the uninitiated, two saws may look the same, and one may even think that any saw can fulfill the duty of another. Trust me, little could be further from the truth. If you have a chance to take a gander
Permaculture Topics: Retaining Water
Permaculture. As far as homesteaders are concerned, there are few topics that are more crucial to success on the land. Even if you aren’t a full-time back-to-the-lander, the concepts and ideas espoused by Bill Mollison (the creator of the term “permaculture”) will be useful to a caretaker of any amount of land. If you haven’t
What Is Polyculture?
If you are a homesteader or looking at becoming one, permaculture is a topic you should do your best to understand. And even if you aren’t a full-time back-to-the-lander, the concepts and ideas espoused by Bill Mollison (creator of the term “permaculture”) will be useful to any caretaker of any amount of land. If you
Manual Tools for Off-Grid Land
When it comes to living and working on an off-grid homestead, there are a lot of different tasks people need to accomplish. Many of these tasks are in the area of land maintenance. Trust me, if you don’t take care of the land, it will be an overgrown mess in no time flat, and then
A Guide to Bladed Hand Tools
On the homestead, there’s a host of different tools that you need. Many of these have at least one blade, and some may look like they are the same tool or close to it. The truth is they might look similar but have completely different uses. And that is the point of this article –
What Is Permaculture?
When talking about alternative living and going back to the land to homestead, permaculture is a frequent topic. But what is permaculture? And why is it such an important part of living off nature and the land – especially when one is trying to homestead off the grid? Who came up with it and what
Stacking Firewood
Stacking Firewood
Seasoning and Storing Firewood
Heating with wood is a beautiful thing. It’s hard to beat sitting next to a crackling fire on a cold winter night as the snow gently falls outside. However, that wonderful feeling comes at a price — a lot of sweat and hard work for many months prior to winter. What happens between the time
Top 10 Alternative Building Books
For those of us who use alternative building methods in construction, it can be difficult to find a mentor. Trade schools generally teach stick framing, so you will be hard-pressed to find an official school in which to learn. And if you can’t find an architect who is a natural builder to apprentice under, your
Top 12 Homesteading Books
If you are like many of us modern homesteaders, you weren’t raised in this life. You probably come from the city or suburbs and worked a typical 9 to 5 job. As you soon find out, that sort of life doesn’t really prepare you well for living on a homestead. So how do you fill
Cob Construction
Cob Under Construction
Alternative Building Methods
When most people in the Western world think of building a new home, almost all of them imagine the same sort of construction process: Stud framing (as this most ubiquitous method is known) uses materials such as dimensional lumber (usually two- by-four and two-by-six) to form the skeleton of the house. The exterior of these
Earthbag Homes
Earthbag Construction, Sandbag Buildings
Rammed Earth: What Is It, How Is It Made, And Photos
When it comes to alternative building methods to construct a home, you have a host of different choices. Some rely on fairly modern materials like poly bags or used tires (considered new guys on the block). Others have been used for millennia and have proven themselves to stand the test of time. Of this second
Using Straw Bale for Construction
Straw bale construction is a relative newcomer to the world of alternative building methods. It does not have the millennia-long history of cob or adobe, but it certainly has a viable place at the table of natural building methods. Indeed, it has seen a surge in popularity in recent decades, and many people the world
Basics of Metal Woodstoves
When heating with wood, there are many options in choosing a wood-burning appliance. Some will choose to build a masonry oven that functions not only as a heater, but also as a beautiful centerpiece in their home. Others, especially those living in a small space like a tiny home or cabin, will choose some form
Earth-Sheltered Home: An Eco-Friendly, Passive Housing Alternative
Folks on the street may call them “hobbit houses” in reference to J.R.R. Tolkien’s work, but earth-sheltered homes have been around for far longer than 1937 when the novel was published. Though the practice of using a protective layer of earth to embrace your home exploded in popularity in the 1970s, it’s truly been around
The Basics Of Cordwood Construction
In the realm of natural building, you have many different options. From rammed earth to straw bale to adobe, there is a building method suitable for almost any situation within the United States. In this article, we will be taking a look at a method that is perfect for the many forested areas of North
The Basics of Firewood
Of all the ways that we heat our homes, none goes as far back in time as wood. Coal, electricity, and natural gas are all recent newcomers on the block in comparison to wood. Something about the light of a wood fire has always held the hearts of man – long can you stare into