43 Amazing Ideas To Recycle Old Doors

1) Framed Painting
Painting on an old door by Cory Bonnet. Originally found at “www.elanarts. com/artists/bonnet_cory/bonnet_cory.htm.”
2) Message Board
Salvaged door message board. How-to: donation2decor.com.
3) Workbench
Gorgeous workbench / desk made from reclaimed Douglas Fir and antique hardware. Via: Etsy.
4) Outdoor Potting Table
Outdoor potting table. Lots more pics: cottageandcabin.blogspot.com.
5) Corner Shelf
A cute addition for any room, also helps you use those awkward corners.
6) Dressing Vanity
This Old House. A way to combine both decoration and function. How-to: www.thisoldhouse.com.
7) Coffee Table
Old door coffee table. Note the still-attached doorknob. More Info: www.sweetpickinsfurniture.com.
Another view of the old door coffee table. Note the still attached lock. More pics: www.sweetpickinsfurniture.com.
8) Outdoor Coffee Table
By Mitch available via the Etsy shop, J.Crabbit, Maine: www.etsy.com.
9) Headboard
Old wood doors as headboard by Maria: dreamywhites.blogspot.com, you can go to the website for more ideas.
10) Mirror Wall Decor
Mirror panels can be installed to create eye-catching wall decor.
11) Leather Headboard
Old leather doors as headboard: Originally found at www.houzz.com.
12) Porch Swing
Door as a porch swing: Found on www.houzz.com.
13) Medicine Cabinet
Old doors as a medicine cabinet. See: www.remodelwithus.com for more of their work.
14) Kitchen Pantry
Salvaged wood doors on the pantry. Originally found at www.houzz.com.
15) Pantry Door
Old door reused as a pantry door. More on this project is available at www.designsponge.com.
16) Sliding Door
Old door reused as a slider. Image by Colin Faulkner, additional work by Colin can be viewed at www.faulknerphoto.com.
17) Coat Rack
A way to create a rustic, yet stylish, entryway.
18) Basement Door
An old wooden door becomes a basement door in a new house. Lots more reuse ideas: downtoearthstyle.blogspot.com.
19) A Distressed Look
This extremely worn look requires a lot of effort. Picture of this salvaged wood door: tickingandtoile.blogspot.com.
20) Coastal Living
Sliding wood door, Coastal Living. This photograph was originally found at “harvestfurniture.blogspot. com/2010/11/trend-alert-modern-farmhouse-barn-doors.html.”
21) Doors With Rollers
Sliding wood doors. To save space, old painted doors from Watkins Culver Antiques were installed on rollers. Via: www.traditionalhome.com, where pictures of the entire remodel are available.
22) Barn Doors
Interior barn doors in Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne’s California home. Additional ideas for barn doors are available at www.atticmag.com.
23) Movable Screen
Salvaged wood door screen. Image originally found on Tumblr.
24) Painted Detail
If you don’t want to strip it, paint it!
25) Red Headboard
Salvaged wood door headboard. Visit www.thisoldhouse.com for more inspiration and ideas.
26) Daybed
Door daybed made from two old wooden doors fit onto a daybed frame by Ida of The Urban Cottage. Photo was originally found at “www.theurbancottagedallas. com/2011/07/my-latest-project-a-door-able-daybed.html” but can now be seen at “groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/the-urban-cottage—dallas/l4jFVJIAuUo/rJhdBx4MIocJ.”
27) Hinged Desk
Desk made from an old door. See other images here: www.manoteca.com.
28) Simple Table
Old wooden door table by Amber Interior Design: amberinteriordesign.blogspot.com, the website provides more photos that you can use for inspiration.
29) Photo Frame
An old glass door can be transformed into a stunning array of your favorite family photos.
30) Dining Table
Wood door as a dining table. by Basak Aydin Notz, via: www.designsponge.com, where you can find more photos of this house.
31) Outdoor Table
Outdoor wooden door table. Lots more pics: staceyembracingchange.blogspot.com. The bright colors add a stylish flare to this backyard.
32) Re-Cycled Table
Reuse door table. Legs are a door cut in half and then moldings were added at the base and an apron at the top. Recycled Desk by Eternal Furniture & Design at CustomMade.com.
33) Alliance Geusebroek
Door wall by Piet Hein Eek. Commissioned by Geusebroek and Alliantie: www.pietheineek.nl.
Door wall by Piet Hein Eek: www.pietheineek.nl, this is another picture of the project. The story behind this piece is available on Piet Hein Eek’s website.
34) House Of 1,000 Doors
Choi Jeong Hwa 1000 Doors installation. This picture was originally found at choijeonghwa.com, where you can find pictures of other art pieces.
35) Wall Paneling
On Great George Street in London, an unknown artist covered the outside of a derelict tenement building with old front doors, all painted red. The building has since been demolished. Photo by Philip Mayer / Flickr.
36) Outdoor Bench
An outdoor bench fashioned from an old chicken coop door: twigdecor.blogspot.com. More information on this project is available on their website.
37) Tool Shed
Four old doors equal an easy DIY tool shed! This project was originally at “www.roomzaar. com/rate-my-space/Gardens/Backyard-Re-do/detail.esi?oid=447810.”
38) Garden Door
Salvaged garden door. This photo was originally found at “www.segev-photography. com/2/2.html.”
39) Shelving
Using small wooden boards, you can make an old door into a small shelf.
40) Gateway
Gateway to a secret garden, located at a conference center called Airlie in Warrenton, Virginia. Photo taken by Eileen: www.trekearth.com.
41) Garden Trellis
Doors as Trellis. More information can be found at www.bhg.com.
42) Entrance With A Trellis
Image by Monica Roberts, via: www.idemakeriet.blogspot.com, the website has more unique pieces you can use for inspiration.
43) Double Sliding Doors
Salvaged materials turned into a door. This double-door slider shows that just about anything can be made into a door. Crafted from: early 1900′s cypress siding (with original green paint), wood from a 100-year-old barn and wrought iron fencing. (www.atticmag.com)
Old Doors for Sale
Architectural salvage warehouses and restoration businesses like Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore are good places to look for old doors. eBay’s doors auction page has an interesting mix—especially if you are looking for something specific. Cool inspiration too.
A few places that specialize in selling old doors:
In CT: www.oldwoodworkshop.com
Calif: crossroadslumber.com
Winnipeg, Canada: www.salvagesupermarket.com
How To Decorate With Old Doors
How to make a dressing vanity from an old door: www.thisoldhouse.com
Make a headboard from an old door: www.thisoldhouse.com
Make a coffee table from an old door: kojo-designs.com
Make a message board from an old door: donation2decor.com
Another coffee table: www.imperfecthomemaking.com
The Best Books On Decorating With Salvaged Materials
- Salvage Secrets Design & Decor: Transform Your Home With Reclaimed Materials by Joanne Palmisano and Susan Teare.
- Extraordinary Interiors: Decorating with Architectural Salvage & Antiques by Brian Coleman and Dan Mayers
- This Old House Salvage-Style Projects: 22 Ideas for Turning Old House Parts Into New Treasures for Your Home by Amy R. Hughes
I’m glad that I looked at this link! I saw this link from a post that someone left on the ‘Dave’s Garden’ site. This link is outstanding and gives a lot of ideas to think about! I’m definitely ‘bookmarking’ this on my computer to come back and check out the other additional areas down below the comments. Thanks again for a terrific site! 🙂
I love your ideas!
I re-posted a few pictures along with the link to your sight! I hope you get lots of new visitors! Keep up the good work!
Hugsxx Kristen
I love this page…I have a c.1869 home with many old doors in the barn just waiting to be put to good use. I picked out a huge one with a top swing opening as the perfect ‘door to my blueberry patch’! My weekend project…thanks for the inspiration!
You have given me the inspiration I need to make an old door into my office table. Thanks so much, your site is fantastic!
Thanks for the inspiration. My husband wanted to throw out our old doors. Now I can recycle them … 😉
simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I’d love for you to feature some of our products… vintageheadboards.storenvy. com
These are some of the best pics I have seen of recycled doors.
Great job truly.
I posted this post to Facebook.
Tonya Ballew
I love your pictures on old doors, great inspiration for me. I was wondering if you know if it’s possible to use an old carved Indonesian door to turn it into a kitchen bench top by pouring on lacquer to fill in gaps and make it smooth and flat. Will this work and do you have any suggestions of how it should be done?
Jo Zopf
Looking at these photos has inspired me to do things in and around my house using the charm of recycling old doors.
Jo Anne
Hi thanks for the great collection of pictures and links. I love old doors and am always trying to come up with new uses for them.
nice pics of old doors. and great information about it.
Jesus Lord im so stunned.
hi, I have about 40 solid wood doors that I would like to donate to you. Would you be interested. Please let me know. Also, my phone number is 510-526-2665. Thank you.
Very informative post keiren…
Superb ideas. Will keep in mind all the things & implement it 🙂
Thanks for posting innovative recycling ideas.
Do you buy old doors
Hey Keiren, you have shared a beautiful collection of recycled doors, I must say…!! Like the way you have mentioned about such old things, especially with the images. Even, me and my husband were thinking to renovate our office place and were wondering about new ideas for old stuff, and luckily, I went through to this post, and I’m sure it would be useful to us. Thank you for the sharing. Keep updating such posts like this. 🙂
Good for wood furniture recycling. It is amazing idea people will try to follow your idea. Nice post for me.
I think you need to take some time and go to stodoys website to learn how to make it.