Ah, to be a kid again. There is something about a treehouse that makes you want to throw on some worn-out shoes, grass-stained jeans, and a warm jacket (because your mom made you). Whether you had a treehouse as a kid or your neighbor friends did, the memories of spending all afternoon outside playing games and make-believe will remain long after you’re too tall (or old) to get inside. Why not build one for your kids so they can experience the same good-old-fashioned fun?
Treehouse plans can range from the relatively simple to the extremely complex, depending on how much you want to spend and how skilled you are. While most of these treehouse plans do require a tree for structural purposes, others are designed with the treeless in mind.
A Note On Safety
As with other DIY carpentry projects, make sure that you choose a treehouse plan that is within your skill set. Having basic carpentry skills are especially important if you’re building a structure like a treehouse that needs to be secure and stable. While some projects require more skill than others, make sure to take on only what you can handle. Or, make friends with someone who knows what they’re doing.
And just like any large DIY project, use caution when you’re on ladders or scaffolding. Always wear head and eye protection, and make sure the structure is secure before using it.
Reclaimed-Wood Treehouse
For a backyard hideaway that is both unique and upcycled, check out this reclaimed wood tree house! How cool is that herringbone- style door? The builder of this treehouse mentions that it took quite a while to build, especially if you’re collecting all of the reclaimed wood yourself. That first day hanging out with your kids in it will make it all worthwhile though!
Find the plans at ClenseYourPallet on Instructables
Hanging Tree Pod Plans
For a futuristic hanging backyard pod, check out this out-of-this-world treehouse plan. This will easily become your kids’ favorite space to read.
Nooksack Treehouse Plans
If you want to take on a serious backyard DIY, check out these plans from Nelson Treehouse and Supply. The plans will run you $200, but this tree house will be on your property for decades to come.
Find the plans at Nelson Treehouse And Supply
Treehouse With Climbing Wall
Are your kids the type that want to climb all over everything? You’ll never have you to tell them to stop climbing on the couch again after they have this in the backyard!
Find the plans at dgibbons on Instructables
Pirate Hideout Treehouse
Arr, matey! These treehouse plans will encourage both outdoor exercising and creative play. Of course, you could always customize it to be a princess’ or a knight’s castle.
Find the plans at johnkry19 on Instructables
Handmade Hideaway Treehouse
Don’t have a tree that you can trust to hold a house? No problem! With some added leg height you can create a treeless treehouse.
Find the plans at The Handmade Home
Wood Branch Treehouse
Have some scrap wood or branches that need a home? Use them for railings in this DIY treehouse.
Find the plans at Popular Mechanics
A-Frame Treehouse Plans
Not a fan of a traditional square treehouse? Check out this A-frame design that requires just one tree and two posts.
Find the plans at Outdoor Life
Old-Growth Treehouse Plans
Perhaps you have a few trees in a group that could accommodate a platform. These tree house plans were built around an old-growth redwood, creating quite a unique backyard retreat. Though it’s designed with your kids in mind, you may find yourself with a new peaceful nook to enjoy a good book in.
Find the plans at shawnconna on Instructables
Craftsmen-Style Treehouse Plans
For another treeless treehouse, check out these plans from Ana White. Paint it the same color as your craftsman-style home, and you’ll have a cute pair.
Treehouse With Slide And Swings
For when your kids can’t decide whether they want a treehouse or a swing set. Why not both? This treehouse can be built with or without a tree.
Treeless Tree House Plans
If you’re limited on space or live in a residential neighborhood that doesn’t have a magnificent old tree, check out these treeless treehouse plans. Add some curtains for shade, and you’ve got a treehouse that the kids will spend all day in.
Find the plans at Made With Happy
Black & Decker Treehouse Guide
Do you want more extensive plans to follow? Check out this Treehouse Guide from Black & Decker. Included are building plans, tips for building on a tree, and more important considerations. This is a good option for those who are new to carpentry.
Backyard Fort Plans With Slide
It’s a fact: Kids love slides.
Find the plans at My Outdoor Plans
Treehouse Fort Plans
Now here is an old-school treehouse fort that utilizes all those fallen branches:
Find the plans at This Old House
The EZ Treehouse Plans
These plans are not for the beginner carpenter. But if you have building experience, you can create something that your kids will love.
Find the plans at EZ Tree House Plans
$300 Treehouse Fort
For an affordable treehouse fort, check out this option. Utilize scrap wood to save even more money!
Find the plans at Action Economics
Basic Treehouse Plans
Utilizing the trunk of just one tree, these treehouse plans are a simple option for the beginner carpenter. Add a wood or rope ladder depending on your needs and preference.
Simple Tree Fort Plans
These plans are another option that would be a good fit for the beginning carpenter.
Find the plans at My Outdoor Plans
Tree Deck Plans
There is something classic about a backyard treehouse and a tire swing.
I never get to enjoy much a treehouse but a house under the trees. It is always fun to go back to the childhood pictures around that house built by my grandfather. Guess I should make one too for the kiddos.