Few tools come in as many different shapes and sizes as the humble saw. To the uninitiated, two saws may look the same, and one may even think that any saw can fulfill the duty of another. Trust me, little could be further from the truth. If you have a chance to take a gander […]
Types of Cauliflower
Cauliflower can be grown as a cool-season plant right at your home garden. Each cauliflower variety offers unique traits on color, flavor, growth, texture, and yield.
Ponytail Palm
“You know those hats the young girls wear?” my friend asked. “The ones with the opening for a ponytail?” She pointed at an addition to her garden collection. “Here’s a plant that looks just like that.” The tall, spikey leaves stretched upward before spanning out in every direction, much like a ponytail escaping a hat. […]
Permaculture Topics: Retaining Water
Permaculture. As far as homesteaders are concerned, there are few topics that are more crucial to success on the land. Even if you aren’t a full-time back-to-the-lander, the concepts and ideas espoused by Bill Mollison (the creator of the term “permaculture”) will be useful to a caretaker of any amount of land. If you haven’t […]
Types of Watermelon
Watermelon is a refreshing summer treat you can grow at home! From red to yellow watermelons, there’s a variety fir to your garden needs.
How To Coexist With Squirrels On The Homestead
The United States is an ecologically rich country full of plant and animal diversity. Those living in the States are fortunate to have animal life around them regardless of the region where they live. An animal that remains consistent — no matter where one ventures — is the squirrel. Mischievous, cunning, social, talkative, fast, curious, […]
Types of Beets
Beets are great all-around root crops you can plant, even in small home gardens. Some beet varieties are cultivated for their crisp leafy greens, while others can be processed into homemade sugar and livestock feed.
DIY House Winterizing
There’s useful knowledge that disappeared somewhere between these last couple generations. Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be a lot of younger folks out there trying to figure out how to live in a harsh cruel world with bills to pay and things to do. Regardless of where or how you live, staying […]
What Is Polyculture?
If you are a homesteader or looking at becoming one, permaculture is a topic you should do your best to understand. And even if you aren’t a full-time back-to-the-lander, the concepts and ideas espoused by Bill Mollison (creator of the term “permaculture”) will be useful to any caretaker of any amount of land. If you […]
Types of Broccoli
If you want a supremely nutritious addition to your home garden, look no further! Broccoli is an outstanding cool season crop with both heirloom and hybrid varieties.
All About the Acianthera Nikoleae
Featured image is the Dresslerella caesariata, not the Acianthera Nikoleae. Since this is a newly discovered species, not that many images are available. Take a look at the Internet Orchid Species Encyclopedia and OrchidRoots.com to see photos. “Are those warts on the leaves?” I asked my friend, admiring her latest orchid. “That can’t be good.” […]
Types of Peas
Peas add crunch and freshness to countless recipes. Growing them in your garden allows you to have fresh stock of this delectable treat, including its rarer varieties.
6 Reasons You Should Have Flowers in Your Vegetable Garden
With self-sufficiency as the someday goal, my first gardening days were purely practical. I browsed through seed catalogs with an iron will, bypassing the flower sections with a steely gaze — and a resolved set to my jaw. I was convinced I didn’t need that flouncy, frivolous, floral frippery in my veggie patch. I was […]
Medicinal Benefits of Tulsi
Ocimum tenuiflorum also known as tulsi or holy basil, is a popular Ayurvedic herb in India that is commonly used for tea. With “holy” being in one of its common names, you may have correctly concluded this herb is revered as sacred. It grows abundantly in Southeast Asia and has become an essential part of […]
Types of Spinach
From the popular Bloomsdale variety to lesser known cultivars, get to know the spinach plant before planting them in your garden. These leafy greens are packed with nutrition and boasts versatile culinary uses.
Controlled Burns: Everything You Should Know
Fire has always been a part of our environment just like water, earth, and air. Believe it or not, fire is one of the most essential natural agents of change because it plays a vital role in maintaining certain ecosystems. Native Americans have understood this and used fire to maintain prairies, keep the ecosystem healthy, […]
Manual Tools for Off-Grid Land
When it comes to living and working on an off-grid homestead, there are a lot of different tasks people need to accomplish. Many of these tasks are in the area of land maintenance. Trust me, if you don’t take care of the land, it will be an overgrown mess in no time flat, and then […]
Starfish Snake Plant
“Come see my newest succulent.” My friend greeted me at the door. She is always trying to grow something new, so I wasn’t surprised to be invited (yet again) to study a plant. I followed her to the sunroom and looked where she pointed. “Oh my!” I exclaimed. “That is something, isn’t it? What’s it […]
Types of Corn
With an immense number of varieties, corn is one of the most consumed grain in the United States. Don’t get lost in the cornfield as we guide you in this comprehensive read!
How to Save Brassica oleracea Seeds
Originally titled “How to Save Brassica oleracea Seeds (Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Brussels Sprouts, Gai Lan).” I know it’s a mouthful, so you can see why the title was shortened, but I feel it would be repetitive to write an article on how to save seeds from every one of those vegetables independently. […]
A Guide to Bladed Hand Tools
On the homestead, there’s a host of different tools that you need. Many of these have at least one blade, and some may look like they are the same tool or close to it. The truth is they might look similar but have completely different uses. And that is the point of this article – […]
Types of Carrots
From salads to stews, carrots have plenty of culinary uses, all of which improves its crisp and sweet flavor. Before growing your own, discover these notable carrot varieties and their special characteristics.
What Is Landrace Gardening?
“No. No, no, NO! ARGHHH!” This is typically not the sound you want to hear coming from the squash patch. But I had reached my wit’s end and was throwing a (teeny tiny) hissy fit over my plants (maybe). With a desire for food security and self-sufficiency, I had planted about 30 Hubbard squash plants […]
Types of Peppers
From sweet to hot, peppers are one of the most diverse produce in the market. To help you choose the right variety for your garden, get to know the five major species of peppers and their unique characteristics!
Medicinal Benefits of Garlic
Garlic bread, garlic mashed potatoes, garlic pesto, garlic-y vegetable stew, garlic aloo gobhi — are you seeing a theme here? Garlic! This article is going to talk about the popular ingredient in a new way. Instead of focusing on all the wonderful recipes with garlic, we’re going to discuss how its medicinal properties can spice […]
Sustaining Survival Gardens
I’m not trying to sound apocalyptic with that title. Growing food has been a way of life for centuries. Long before farmers markets and grocery stores, people grew produce. It was a part of day-to-day living. Having enough food to sustain your family or household in times of need is security. If you’re like many […]
Types of Cucumber
Fresh or raw, cucumbers are one of the most refreshing produce you can add to your meals. Growing your own cucumbers will introduce you to many varieties remarkable flavors and textures.
All About Nitrogen Fixing Plants
Most gardeners have heard of nitrogen-fixers and use them on an active basis. How many know about the scientific methodology of how nitrogen-fixers work? How about identifying symptoms of nitrogen deficiency? Or the causes of nitrogen-deficiency? This article will be diving into these and other nitrogen-fixing questions. Read on for more. What Is Nitrogen? I’m […]
Old Trees
“Did you know there’s an 800-year-old oak tree in Kent, England? It’s called Majesty or the Fredville Oak.” “And what about that sycamore tree near Hadrian’s Wall?” I replied. “That one’s only famous because it starred with Kevin Costner in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,” my friend countered. “Great movie,” I sighed. “And so was […]
How to Save Tomato Seeds
If you are a gardener, chances are you’ve grown tomatoes. There are few plants more adored and widely grown across the gardener landscape from carefully watered patio pots, to the sprawling volunteer emerging from the compost pile, to the ruby-studded plants staked out in the back 40. But I would guess that while the percentage […]
Types of Green Beans
Not all green beans are created equal. With unique traits on flavor, growth, and texture, get to know the different types of green beans you can grow at home.
Bitter Melon
“What is that?” I asked, pointing to the spikey, green gourd-like side dish on my plate. “Bitter melon,” my friend answered simply. We were sharing dinner at her place for a change, enjoying foods from the garden and the local market. “It doesn’t grow locally, but I found it at the small Chinese market downtown. […]
Are Slugs and Snails Harmful?
Many gardeners and homesteaders can testify to taking a stroll through their garden and finding slimy little guys slithering on their flowers and vegetables. A common thought that arises would be “Are these snails good for my plants?” or “Should I get rid of them?” Look no further for the answers. This article will cover […]
What Is Permaculture?
When talking about alternative living and going back to the land to homestead, permaculture is a frequent topic. But what is permaculture? And why is it such an important part of living off nature and the land – especially when one is trying to homestead off the grid? Who came up with it and what […]
Types of Garlic
Garlic gives a breath of fresh air to many cuisines around the world, making it a kitchen staple. Its punchy flavors can grow from your home garden, but to do so, discover different garlic varieties and their characteristics.
Preserving Jalapeño Peppers
My jalapeño peppers did terrific this year! Small harvests came in clusters or waves, and even though I ate these babies regularly, I had to start preserving them. It began with the dehydrator. Then some went in the freezer, a bunch were powdered, and eventually, pickled peppers were in my steam canner. Storing Jalapeño Peppers […]
Getting Rid of Squash Bugs
Am I the only one who had an all-out war with squash bugs this year? They annihilated most of my butternut and zucchini before the plants even had a chance to produce. I knew how to get rid of them, but the bugs had covered too much ground before I realized they were present. We’d […]
Types of Onion
Onion is layered produce, full of surprising flavors and textures in its varieties. From the common brown-skinned onions to the rarer pearl-sized types, let’s take a look at this kitchen staple to help you choose the right variety.
Stacking Firewood
Stacking Firewood
What Is Homesteading?
The story I’m about to tell happened more than three years ago, so I feel comfortable finally airing it out, knowing that the places and persons involved have forgotten this conversation and completely moved on. It all started when I submitted a bio for an article (to a publication I’ll not name, as I don’t […]
Pinecone-Like Orchid
“Look at this!” I was having tea with a buddy, looking through some garden magazines. Much better than the internet — I think so, anyway. “Oh my,” I replied. “That looks like a pinecone made of flowers.” “Orchids, actually,” my friend proclaimed. “It’s called the pinecone-like orchid, or pinecone-like raceme dendrobium.” She looked at me […]
Types of Celery
In various cuisines, celery leaves and stalks add aroma, flavor, and texture. Get to know this well-loved vegetable, starting with its three main types and their distinct characteristics.
How to Save Eggplant Seeds
Eggplants are one of my favorite fruits. I feel conflicted admitting that, however, as they’re one of the more challenging plants to grow on my dry Ozark hill. Since I don’t spray plants with chemicals or grow hybrids, any plant grown in my garden is devoured by flea beetles before it reaches maturity. My best […]
Types of Cabbage
Cabbage is an annual vegetable crop known for its versatile culinary use. Get to know these dense-leaved heads that come in many varieties — each with distinct features and flavor.
The Benefits of Raising Geese
When I was about 5 years old, my mom and us kids lived in a massive farmhouse with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I loved being around all the farm animals but was always a bit skeptical of the loud, boisterous geese. One morning, while we were doing the morning chores, I had a nasty […]
The Surprising Benefits of Rabbit Manure
I love raising rabbits for many reasons, one being the many benefits of their manure. Rabbit manure is an incredible resource for organic gardens. It increases soil quality by improving both the soil structure and the life cycle of beneficial microorganisms living in the soil. Rabbits are an excellent source of poop, and it doesn’t […]
Why Save Seeds?
As we dip into the cold stillness of winter, the garden lays silent and still under its mulch blanket. The trees are bare, the birds quiet, and anything green and growing seems like a distant memory. But for the avid gardener, this is the season of dreaming and planning. Seed catalogs will be arriving in […]
Types of Eggplant
Belonging to the nightshade family, eggplants are versatile summer produce due to their meaty texture and subtle flavors. They are a staple ingredient in various dishes, especially in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Technically speaking, an eggplant is not a vegetable, but a fruit that is botanically categorized as a berry. Eggplants are served as […]
Seasoning and Storing Firewood
Heating with wood is a beautiful thing. It’s hard to beat sitting next to a crackling fire on a cold winter night as the snow gently falls outside. However, that wonderful feeling comes at a price — a lot of sweat and hard work for many months prior to winter. What happens between the time […]
Ocotillo Facts
Ocotillo, also known as coachwhip, Jacob’s staff, vine cactus, or by the scientific name of Fouquieria splendens, is a flowering spiny shrub that’s a characteristic species of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. Desert Life Though this species resembles a cactus with its long spiny branches, it is more closely related to blueberries and tea. Ocotillos […]