Due to the glue that binds books along their spine, most paper recyclers will not take books for recycling unless the cover and glue is removed.
Bed of Books.
Via: randomactsofreading.wordpress.com
Bench of Thought (Banco del Pensamiento)
By Alvaro Tamarit, saatchionline.com
Bench made of books in Berlin.
An indoor bench would probably hold up better.
Photo by funnysock.deviantart.com
Book chairs by Jacqueline le Blue.
Recycled books and plywood.
Book table (recycled books and plywood) €1150.
By Jacquline le Blue, also custom orders.
Book bench by Jacqueline le Blue, €695.
Cut out most of the inside pages of the books and attach the bindings to plywood to make this a functional piece of furniture. Leave an inch of paper on the edges that will show. www.cncpt13.com
Book chair by Jacqueline le Blue.
The Portrait Chair (recycled books, wood, steel) at Freeman Centennial School is made from classic and popular books. The seat of the chair is cut to expose a variety of print surface. The most avid readers from the library are celebrated by having their photograph taken in ‘The Chair’. By Mags Harries. harriesheder.com
Book Chair at the Olive B. Day Elementary School is made from children’s books sandwiched together with the titles are visible. The most avid readers from the school are celebrated by having their photograph taken in the Chair. By Mags Harries. harriesheder.com
Book chair by Richard Hutten.
Plexiglass covers the seat bottom.
Rug made of Books.
Bibliophilism was created from discarded books, rescued from library dumpsters, estate sales and donations. These books had seemingly lost the purpose for which they were originally intended. By pamelapaulsrud.com
Book Room Partition – Sweden
Hit Oktavilla – 2 videos show build process.
Desk made from books.
There are many such desks in libraries accross the world.
The Book Chair.
Artist unknown.
Chandelier made from unwanted books.
Each page is folded in half, center is trimmed.
£340.00 www.luladot.com
Booklight by Ng Sek San.
Paint the books a unified color, or leave them au natural.
Book Stool.
This is a cardboard stool, printed to appear to be a stack of books.
It can hold up to 200kg. Or make one out of real books. amazon.fr
Old book spines glued to a box becomes hidden bookshelf storage.
Book Clock, $24.
As a person who covets literature, it’s tragic to see books used to create furniture. If you’re done with your books, donate them to hospitals, senior citizen residential living libraries, or thrift shops.
Hilary. I totally disagree. Many books have outdated information (non-fiction) and others may be missing pages, torn spines and other damage that renders them useless for reading but this shows that books still have value even beyond reading.
not all books are timeless literature. accounting books whose methods are no longer in use, building codes out of date, textbooks whose graphics or lack of them make them so boring no one will open them, law books whose laws are extinct. these are just a ‘few good books’ which have outlived their time. another category are very useful titles, but they have been mishandled — rain, coffee, crayolas, highlighters, tears, gum, car tires, etc.
I love this recycled use of books!
We re-purpose books in this manner as well. Textbooks are quickly outdated and would end up as shred or in a landfill. Making something useful from them is not only logical, but the opposite of tragic. Of course, we don’t use First Editions or Rarities…
Anyway, disregard those who don’t know any better…..these are AWESOME!
I tried to create a lamp from books buy failed. I made it too tall to be stable. These inspire me to try again to repurpose outdated and worthless books into something interesting and functional again.