All around the globe companies and individuals are starting to produce fuel from waste plastic. As only 8% of waste plastic is recycled in the U.S., 15% in Western Europe, and much less in developing countries, this reuse of plastic could potentially keep enormous amounts of plastic out of landfills and out of the oceans.
Why Plastic Waste Is A Problem
Over 500 billion pounds of new plastic is manufactured each year and roughly 33% of that is single use and thrown away. As so little plastic is recycled, we need to reframe plastic waste as an underused resource vs. one that’s destined for the landfill.
If all plastic waste made it into the landfill, it would surely be mined in the future, but currently all plastic waste does not make it into our landfills. The United Nations estimates plastic accounts for four-fifths of the accumulated garbage in the world’s oceans. We need to stop polluting our oceans with plastic before it is too late, and start collecting all plastics suitable for this new, fairly simple, technology, a technology that is available now.
Image via:
How Plastic Waste Is Turned Into Fuel
The technology is not overly complicated. plastics are shredded and then heated in an oxygen-free chamber (known as pyrolysis) to about 400 degrees celsius. As the plastics boil, gas is separated out and often reused to fuel the machine itself.
Related Post: Biofuel
The fuel is then distilled and filtered. Because the entire process takes place inside a vacuum and the plastic is melted – not burned, minimal to no resultant toxins are released into the air, as all the gases and or sludge are reused to fuel the machine.
What Plastic Can Be Used?
For this technology, the type of plastic you convert to fuel is important. If you burn pure hydrocarbons, such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), you will produce a fuel that burns fairly clean. But burn PVC, and large amounts of chlorine will corrode the reactor and pollute the environment.
Burning PETE releases oxygen into the oxygen deprived chamber thereby slowing the processing, and PETE recycles efficiently at recycling centers, so it is best to recycle PETE traditionally. HDPE (jugs) and LDPE (bags and films) are basically polyethylene so usable as fuel as well, just slightly more polluting as a thicker heavier fuel is created. But additional processing can turn even HDPE into a clean diesel.
“Polyethylene and polypropylene are pure hydrocarbons, only they are arranged in long chains. If you chop those chains into shorter ones, you get oil, if you chop them even shorter, you get diesel, and if you chop them again, you get gasoline and eventually burnable gas.”
How To Help? Buy A Reusable Water Bottle
The best thing, of course, would be to stop using plastic water bottles completely. We recommend these eco-friendly, reusable water bottles.
- Hydro Flask Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Stanley Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle
- Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth BPA-Free Water Bottle
Machines That Turn Plastic To Fuel
In Niagara Falls, NY, John Bordynuik’s ‘Plastic Eating Monster‘ can even vaporize thick HDPE plastic into a cleaner burning number 2 fuel. Put plastic in one end of the machine and out the other end comes diesel, petroleum distillate, light naphtha and gases such as methane, ethane, butane and propane.
The machine accepts unwashed, unsorted waste plastics, composites and commingled materials and returns about 1 gallon of fuel from 8.3 pounds of plastic. And the processor uses its own off-gases as fuel, therefore using minimal energy to run the machine. John has two massive steel processors up and running, with financing secured for three more to be built in the very near future.
In the Philippines, Poly-Green Technology and Resources Inc. was started by Jayme Navarro whose sister asked him to come up with a way to recycle plastic bags. A plant is being built that will produce 5,000 kilos of fuel per day.
Related Post: In a Plastic World, Recycling Ainโt What It Used to Be
Plastic to Fuel Power Plants
Cynar in the UK likes to call their product ‘End of Life Plastic to Diesel’ or ELPD. Their technology converts mixed Waste Plastics into synthetic fuels that are cleaner, low in sulphur and in the case of the diesel, a higher cetane than generic diesel fuel.
They have two plants running in Spain. Each Cynar plant can process up to 20 tons of End of Life Plastic per day, producing 5,000 gallons (19,000 litres) of high quality liquid fuels at a conversion rate of 95%.
Cynar will be supplying Jeremy Rowsell, a British insurance industry executive who lives in Australia, with all the plastic waste fuel he needs to fly a single-engine Cessna from Sydney to London this winter. Fuel will be in place at about 10 locations along the 10,500-mile route. The solo journey dubbed ‘On Wings of Waste‘ is intended to heighten awareness of this new fuel.
The Future of Plastic to Fuel
Of course, it would be the best if there were widespread environmentally friendly plastics in use, but in the meantime, recycling existing plastics into fuel would keep the plastics out of our waterways. This process is also excellent for difficult to recycle PP and PE plastics like bottle caps, appliance plastics, nursery planters and dirty plastics such as meat wrappings. This process is not suitable for PVC or polystyrene (styrofoam). This technology could also reduce carting issues, as companies that deal with plastic waste could build mini-burners on location. I am ready for a plastic collection can on my corner, how about you?
A Cynar video can be found here:
Many questions as to which technology is the most efficient and least polluting…
Plastic to Fuel Companies
Japan. Sells International:
UK: Cynar produces a synthetic fuel suitable for all internal combustion engines:
Atalanta, GA: Nexus Fuels
Washington, DC: Boasts easy installation, high efficiency, no second-time pollution. Plant converts 6,000 tons of plastic into nearly a million barrels yearly.
Circle Pines, MN and International:
They have a modular unit that produces 775 liters of fuel for every ton of plastic waste processed. System capacity is rated at 185 tons per month.
New York/Canada: JBI, Inc.
20-ton processor, 4,000 lbs. of plastic feedstock per machine per hour.
5,000 kilos of fuel per day.
Hong Kong: Ecotech Recycling Social Enterprise. Prototype machine can process three tons of plastic waste into 1,000 liters of fuel oil per day.
Las Vegas, NV:
Plastic to Fuel Resources
UNEP Policy Brief on Plastic Waste:
Northeastern University turns plastic waste into energy to drive generators:
DIY for under $800.:
Peswiki Plastic and Energy page:
This homemade device converts around 25 kg of shredded plastic into 24 litres of diesel in 4 hours.
dear sir,
I am doing Mtech in thermal power engineering in Bangalore and i am interested to know the steps involved in conversion of waste plastic to fuel for my project, can you pleas help me sir
Dear sir,
in my country, some people just try this with a simple method. would you share me a flow diagram and the instrumen to do this? i really interesting.
Thank you for your attention.
The Municipal Solid Waste without plastic composing is very simple, with plastic composing is not possible. The uniqueness of our Automatic Plastic Separation APS module and its technology to produce bio manure 99.5% plastic free from Municipal Solid Waste, without using chemicals or genetically modified bacteria’s. The plant working last 4 years without discharging liquid waste, no foul smell, and no fly’s on composting time.
Contact more details
09447058008/ ehc
For any help in you college project you can send me your detailed queries on my personal E-mail ID –
I will try my best to help you people.
I think it would be difficult to combine tire pyrolysis and plastic pyrolysis in a single system because both of these materials have different behavior at different process conditions. Tire pyrolysis plants involve kind of a Raw process which is not at all environment friendly. In India, recently many of tire pyrolysis plant were forced to shutdown by their state pollution control boards.
As per my suggestion, If you really want to combine then combine plastic and waste lube oil pyrolysis in one plant. This would be far much more easy and environment friendly process.
Now answers to your questions –
1. I can not offer any plant sir. I am not a fabricator or machine supplier.
2. 10 Tons/Day plant will cost around 1Cr. INR if you purchase this from an overseas supplier. If you are getting the fabrication done in India then it would cost you around 60 to 75 Lacs INR.
3. Total time required / batch is 6 to 6.5 hours including feeding, processing, carbon discharge etc.
4. Cooling pool or shower is sufficient for this capacity. For high throughput (20 tons/day or more) you need cooling towers.
5. Heating system could be of gas fired heaters or electrical heating type.
6. Already replied.
7. Amount of energy required is difficult to say. It will need detailed heat and mass balance calculation to generate this type of data.
8. Same as reply is point 7.
For more information related to plastic pyrolysis feel free contact me on my E-mail ID –
Sir, I’m an Msc chemistry student. I’m interested to know about cracking of petrol from plastic as a part of my seminar. So i humbly request you to send complete detail about this topic as soon as posible.
Hello sir,
As i m working in the same project ( waste plastic to diesel ). Can u please help me that ,for cooling what all components ( condenser ) which furnace sheet is preffered for proper cooling to extract proper amount of diesel..
Hello sir,
As i m working in the same project ( waste plastic to diesel ).Almost the fabrication work has been done. Can u please help me that ,for cooling what all components ( condenser )are used? which furnace sheet is preferred for proper cooling to extract proper amount of diesel..As the temperature of the reactor will be too high so is there any specific condenser used in these process.please let me know we are going to start our production in next two i will await for your feedback on the concerned matter.So please suggest us.
I’m looking for investor for similar machine. It converts average of 400-450 tons of waste plastic to 220 – 330 tons of oil. Final product is mix of diesel and petrol and should go to refinery. It was tested on home heating – works great. On mower or scooter it has less power than using petrol. For more info mail me at nightauer at gmail . com
Hi ,
We are interested in Purchasing a 10 TPD Waste Plastic de-polymerization
Please Provide Detailed Technical Specification of the Plant along with
Project Feasibility Report & quotation for the same.
Feel free to revert in case of any issues.
Sourabh Burad
(M) + 91 8693044265
Hi ,
We are interested in Purchasing a 5MT. PER DAY Waste Plastic de-polymerization
Please Provide Detailed Technical Specification of the Plant along with
Project Feasibility Report & quotation for the same.
M- 08967327723
We are interested in this plant. Please give us the plant specification and feasibility study
Dear Sir
The cracked diesel oil from waste plastic gravity is very less than regular diesel kind suggest me how to improve lubricity and gravity of waste plastic oil
Nadeem0092 300 9640481
Dear Saad
If interested in the plant and process, contact me
Hi Abhishek,
For cooling in this type of plants you need a simple shell and tube type heat exchanger as condenser equipment. You don’t require to put up a chilling unit in the plant. A properly designed tank and shower system can help you in complete plant cooling requirement.
I am in looking for a project in Africa a plant capable of converting 2-4 TD of plastic to oil. does anyone have ready to use machinery.
Prices? delivery times? Demo capabilities?
Any useful information is welcome
hello, could you give more infos about the scale converter (allreadymade 12000$unit), as i coudn’t find trace of it on peswiki?
thank you for your contribution.
If you need a Batch type plant then one of my friend who is involved in machinery/vessel fabrication industry, can help you with 2-4 TPD plant. If interested then feel free to send me the detailed inquiry on my e-mail ID-
Hi, I am intersted in the process of turning polyproplene into fuel. I understand the bottle caps, which are PP, can be converted but how about the PP labels that go on the bottle of PET that have ink on them. Can those also be used in the process?
Hope for a response,
We are Interested in building 1 ,2,3 t per day capacity plant of making fuel from wast plastic ,pl convey the cost of reactor accordingly
We are Interested in building 1 ,2,3 t per day capacity plant of making fuel from wast plastic ,pl convey the cost of reactor accordingly
Bottle caps are made up of Mainly HDPE and PP (sometimes). This is an excellent feedstock for waste plastic to fuel conversion process. The yield from bottle caps ranges from 60-70% (by weight) for liquid products. The lables on the bottles are not a very good feedstock for plastic to oil conversion process. The lables will give lesser yield as compared to caps and emission will also be some problem in case of labels. Labels comes under film type plasctic category and usually all film type plastic gives a yield of approx 30% (by weight).
So now , I think you can calculate your plant economics based on the above mentioned data. As per my experience instead of dumping the plastic labels you would be having in good amount (I guess), you can mix this labels with the bottle caps at an ratio of 80/20 ratio (in 100 kg batch take 80 kg caps and 20 kg labels).
hello nice to know about this .
we are from carrau international business group in the Gambia. will like to do business with you . we have a contract to bring in investor in the country and to built this kind of plant. so we will want you to please help us in carrying out this project ,.
mr david
I am very interested about this machine. I have a family recycling companie in India South East .and I would like to grow my companie by adding directly production of fuel . I need to know cost of shipping and all details – prices and size capacity of machines and if you have differents size capacity as well . – transport – services you can give as soon as possible with even email add.
please I will appreciate a very quick answer because we are struggling on how to produice into oil, an idea long ago in head but not realisable by us yet.
Best Reagrds .
I am very interested about this machine. I have a family recycling companie in India South East .and I would like to grow my companie by adding directly production of fuel . I need to know cost of shipping and all details – prices and size capacity of machines and if you have differents size capacity as well . – transport – services you can give as soon as possible with even email add.
please I will appreciate a very quick answer because we are struggling on how to produice into oil, an idea long ago in head but not realisable by us yet.
Best Reagrds .
This is as well my email for anyone who can help me to realize this .
Unfortunately I cannot find the 12,000 dollar machine now. But possibly or one of the other companies listed above has something affordable.
Dear All,
I am from Tamilnadu, India looking to setup a 3 or 5 tpd waste plastic to oil plant. Manufacturers/ Importers/ Consultant please get in touch with me.
You can contact me at
hello all, i am kaja from karur tamilnadu.i am advace type plastic pyrolysis plant(plastic to diesel)manufacturer.any intrested person contact me 08903517768,09443144049,
I am from Andhra Pradesh, India looking to setup a 8 or 10 tpd waste plastic to oil plant.
Hi ,
We are interested in Purchasing a 10 TPD Waste Plastic de-polymerization
Please Provide Detailed Technical Specification of the Plant along with
Project Feasibility Report & quotation for the same.
Feel free to revert in case of any issues.
Paresh Gangani
(M) + 91 9898853000
we would like to get your proposal and consultancy for project converting waste plastics to diesel daily 5T. Pls contact asap.
In India it is not preferable to go for very high capacity plants like 10 or 15 Tons per day. In this business the most critical factor is inventory management of raw material which is very difficult if you are going for very high capacity plant. One can go for high capacity plant if he/she generates waste plastic from their own assets.
For any query feel free to contact me.
Hi ,
We are interested in Purchasing a 10 TPD Waste Plastic de-polymerization
Please Provide Detailed Technical Specification of the Plant along with
Project Feasibility Report & quotation for the same.
Jiwan Jyoti
Patna, Bihar
i am ammar from pakistan i want to know more about plant and price so please in contact me for further details thanks .
can sm1 please send me all the details of equipment , process , and detailed feasibility of project if available
We have 1TPD to 5 TPD Pyrolysis Oil plant in Indore M.P for more Details pls contact
Sherry Henry
Hi all, I would like to know the details of how to made a homemade small device to test the feasibility of this project and set up a plant after trail running. if anybody could tell me the details of that portable device at the end of this page, that would be a great help. Feel free to contact me at my email address ‘’.
Dear Sir
I would like to establish pyrolysis plant that produce mainly furnace oil from waste tires basically and waste plastic generally. I need some more questions about the following points:
1. I need a plant that gives me 10 ton/ day as a final product. Can you offer this plant to me? Do you have plants with capacity more than this? Tell me more please.
2. The price of all above systems including the accessories in USD?
3. Time of every stage during production (feeding,processing,carbon discharge, cooling down,…).
4. The cooling system is used in the plant is it cooling tower or pool.
5. Would you please give me more details about heating system?
6. Does the system use only tires and rubber or it is universal (also uses waste plastics).
7. Amount of fuel needed and sort of fuel per/day.
8. The Consumption of electricity for the whole plant.
Thank you very much for your attention, and I hope to communicate together and discuss deeply in the pyrolysis process and plant parts
I would like to establish a pyrolysis plant on a small scale. I need basic information on how to setup pyrolysis plant.I want to know how the purification happens and how it filters. Explain the stages of heating,processing and cooling down.Does it also convert plastics also to petrol.Give me more details on heating
Thank you for your attention. Hope you respond to us.
Im interested in putting up the plant in hyderabad India
hello all, I am Mrinal Kishore Sarkar
i am advice type plastic pyrolysis plant(Waste plastic to oil diesel )manufacturer/Suppliers Exporter&Importer.any interested person contact me 9474436866 / 8967327723 ,email- Address Sudarshanpur,Po.+Ps. Raiganj Dt. Uttar Dinajpur,Pin-733134,West Bangal India.
hello all, I am Mrinal Kishore Sarkar
i am advice type plastic pyrolysis plant(Waste plastic to oil diesel )manufacturer/Suppliers Exporter&Importer.any interested person contact me 9474436866 / 8967327723 ,email- Address Sudarshanpur,Po.+Ps. Raiganj Dt. Uttar Dinajpur,Pin-733134,West Bangal India.
Reply #143 on : Sun July 27, 2014, 05:54:55
hello all, I am Mrinal Kishore Sarkar
i am advice type plastic pyrolysis plant(Waste plastic to oil diesel )manufacturer/Suppliers Exporter&Importer.any interested person contact me 9547912455 / 8967327723 ,email- Address Sudarshanpur,Po.+Ps. Raiganj Dt. Uttar Dinajpur,Pin-733134,West Bangal India.
I am intrested in buying waste recyling plant, can yu please help on this.
+91 9311041232
hello ,
Iam hareesh i want to set up a plant
please provide the details and howmuch investment required for it.
mail me the required details .
thanks in advance
i want more details about plastic to oil plant,can you send me more detail.
we are professional manufacturer and supplier of waste tire/plastic to oil pyrolysis plant.The output yield is around 45%-95% depend on the quality of plastics.we have exported our plants to more than 20 countries .
you can vies our
phone number:86-371-56771821/22
Hi all, I would like to know the details of how to made a homemade small device to test the feasibility of this project and set up a plant after trail running. if anybody could tell me the details of that portable device at the end of this page, that would be a great help. Feel free to contact me at my email address ‘’.