All around the globe companies and individuals are starting to produce fuel from waste plastic. As only 8% of waste plastic is recycled in the U.S., 15% in Western Europe, and much less in developing countries, this reuse of plastic could potentially keep enormous amounts of plastic out of landfills and out of the oceans.
Why Plastic Waste Is A Problem
Over 500 billion pounds of new plastic is manufactured each year and roughly 33% of that is single use and thrown away. As so little plastic is recycled, we need to reframe plastic waste as an underused resource vs. one that’s destined for the landfill.
If all plastic waste made it into the landfill, it would surely be mined in the future, but currently all plastic waste does not make it into our landfills. The United Nations estimates plastic accounts for four-fifths of the accumulated garbage in the world’s oceans. We need to stop polluting our oceans with plastic before it is too late, and start collecting all plastics suitable for this new, fairly simple, technology, a technology that is available now.
Image via:
How Plastic Waste Is Turned Into Fuel
The technology is not overly complicated. plastics are shredded and then heated in an oxygen-free chamber (known as pyrolysis) to about 400 degrees celsius. As the plastics boil, gas is separated out and often reused to fuel the machine itself.
Related Post: Biofuel
The fuel is then distilled and filtered. Because the entire process takes place inside a vacuum and the plastic is melted – not burned, minimal to no resultant toxins are released into the air, as all the gases and or sludge are reused to fuel the machine.
What Plastic Can Be Used?
For this technology, the type of plastic you convert to fuel is important. If you burn pure hydrocarbons, such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), you will produce a fuel that burns fairly clean. But burn PVC, and large amounts of chlorine will corrode the reactor and pollute the environment.
Burning PETE releases oxygen into the oxygen deprived chamber thereby slowing the processing, and PETE recycles efficiently at recycling centers, so it is best to recycle PETE traditionally. HDPE (jugs) and LDPE (bags and films) are basically polyethylene so usable as fuel as well, just slightly more polluting as a thicker heavier fuel is created. But additional processing can turn even HDPE into a clean diesel.
“Polyethylene and polypropylene are pure hydrocarbons, only they are arranged in long chains. If you chop those chains into shorter ones, you get oil, if you chop them even shorter, you get diesel, and if you chop them again, you get gasoline and eventually burnable gas.”
How To Help? Buy A Reusable Water Bottle
The best thing, of course, would be to stop using plastic water bottles completely. We recommend these eco-friendly, reusable water bottles.
- Hydro Flask Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Stanley Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle
- Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth BPA-Free Water Bottle
Machines That Turn Plastic To Fuel
In Niagara Falls, NY, John Bordynuik’s ‘Plastic Eating Monster‘ can even vaporize thick HDPE plastic into a cleaner burning number 2 fuel. Put plastic in one end of the machine and out the other end comes diesel, petroleum distillate, light naphtha and gases such as methane, ethane, butane and propane.
The machine accepts unwashed, unsorted waste plastics, composites and commingled materials and returns about 1 gallon of fuel from 8.3 pounds of plastic. And the processor uses its own off-gases as fuel, therefore using minimal energy to run the machine. John has two massive steel processors up and running, with financing secured for three more to be built in the very near future.
In the Philippines, Poly-Green Technology and Resources Inc. was started by Jayme Navarro whose sister asked him to come up with a way to recycle plastic bags. A plant is being built that will produce 5,000 kilos of fuel per day.
Related Post: In a Plastic World, Recycling Ainโt What It Used to Be
Plastic to Fuel Power Plants
Cynar in the UK likes to call their product ‘End of Life Plastic to Diesel’ or ELPD. Their technology converts mixed Waste Plastics into synthetic fuels that are cleaner, low in sulphur and in the case of the diesel, a higher cetane than generic diesel fuel.
They have two plants running in Spain. Each Cynar plant can process up to 20 tons of End of Life Plastic per day, producing 5,000 gallons (19,000 litres) of high quality liquid fuels at a conversion rate of 95%.
Cynar will be supplying Jeremy Rowsell, a British insurance industry executive who lives in Australia, with all the plastic waste fuel he needs to fly a single-engine Cessna from Sydney to London this winter. Fuel will be in place at about 10 locations along the 10,500-mile route. The solo journey dubbed ‘On Wings of Waste‘ is intended to heighten awareness of this new fuel.
The Future of Plastic to Fuel
Of course, it would be the best if there were widespread environmentally friendly plastics in use, but in the meantime, recycling existing plastics into fuel would keep the plastics out of our waterways. This process is also excellent for difficult to recycle PP and PE plastics like bottle caps, appliance plastics, nursery planters and dirty plastics such as meat wrappings. This process is not suitable for PVC or polystyrene (styrofoam). This technology could also reduce carting issues, as companies that deal with plastic waste could build mini-burners on location. I am ready for a plastic collection can on my corner, how about you?
A Cynar video can be found here:
Many questions as to which technology is the most efficient and least polluting…
Plastic to Fuel Companies
Japan. Sells International:
UK: Cynar produces a synthetic fuel suitable for all internal combustion engines:
Atalanta, GA: Nexus Fuels
Washington, DC: Boasts easy installation, high efficiency, no second-time pollution. Plant converts 6,000 tons of plastic into nearly a million barrels yearly.
Circle Pines, MN and International:
They have a modular unit that produces 775 liters of fuel for every ton of plastic waste processed. System capacity is rated at 185 tons per month.
New York/Canada: JBI, Inc.
20-ton processor, 4,000 lbs. of plastic feedstock per machine per hour.
5,000 kilos of fuel per day.
Hong Kong: Ecotech Recycling Social Enterprise. Prototype machine can process three tons of plastic waste into 1,000 liters of fuel oil per day.
Las Vegas, NV:
Plastic to Fuel Resources
UNEP Policy Brief on Plastic Waste:
Northeastern University turns plastic waste into energy to drive generators:
DIY for under $800.:
Peswiki Plastic and Energy page:
This homemade device converts around 25 kg of shredded plastic into 24 litres of diesel in 4 hours.
It can not be possible to generate 15 tons of oil from 20 tons of mixed stream of ‘waste’ polymer. From municipal mixed plastic waste stream one can never get a conversion better than 850 to 900 ml/kg. If PVC is mixed in the waste stream then I can definitely say that environmental regulatory board will definitely shut your plant down because cracking of PVC generated high amount of acidic vapours. During PVC cracking trials at one can even sit near the site due hazardous emissions.
Mr. Bhatia, financial aspect of this type of plant depends on mainly two thing which are- Cost of procurement of the waste plastic and energy required (operating expenditure) for the process to convert plastic into fuel.
If you want to know more about the economics of this process…you consult me through my email-
After 20 years tech. research and development , our company have completed all the methods to manage the the waste plastic problems. The chlrorite problem of PVC is well resolved . The contains of oil output depend on susbstance of plastic materials . The pyrolysis plant is designed under a closed system without any air pollution.Total plant will be settled in 2-3 months around 40 by 40 square meter area . The refinery system can adjust the proportion of oil according your need. Plant cost under 2millions . My company own four national patents and the enviroment problem is our gaol to reach. I am the E.C.O of company. My
My e-mail:chihjen0705
I want to establish plastic to fuel unit in small scale run on Single phase supply. Please help me to put my area clean
Mr. Chihjien Huang,
I am impressed with your 20 years tech. research and development work but I have question about your system that how did you make your system pollution free. All pyrolysis plants have closed system design but after cracking you will not get oil only. After the cracking you will also get hydrocarbon gases along with various poisonous gases like SOx, NOx, VOC, CO etc. and to make your plant pollution free you need to have a pollution control system (which is energy extensive as well as increases OPEX) or you need to sort your feedstock so that PVC, ABS etc. dont come in your system. But as per your information PVC problem is ‘well resolved’ by you. Please tell me more about this technology (if you have developed it). And you also mentioned the plant cost without mentioning the throughput of the plant (Thats great.. :P)
If you have answers to these questions then please reply or we can talk to me through my E-mail –
Mr. Anoop,
Its very nice that you want to make you place/society clean. But first let me tell you that small scale plants like (5kg/5hr) will not be economic for you. It is difficult to run the plant on single phase supply because even a small scale plant (5kg/5hr) would require a furnace having approx 10 kW rating. If you can manage to get three phase supply then it will be better for you. I think that a small scale plant can be made economic but for the reply of this mini plant I need to take some extra time to do the calculations. If you need any more help you can contact me on E-mail –
i have intress to y r business,
thish project markect ,
and any detail me,
First , I will assure you 100% pollution free . In our system , only a few steam ( water only )will be released . All toxic gas also be neutralized. Small amount of useful gas recollected by our system for fuel . Cracking system combined with distillation system all controlled by computer . Our plant is clean enough for enviromental check in my country . We also can manage 100% PVC cracking without chlorine problem. OPEX is low because the machine tested by 24 hr running all year , maybe one day enough for clean and maintenance.
The plant is designed under 50 by 50 square meter less , no more than 5 worker . We also can design by your need . The plant will be completed in 2-3 months . All this tech. is developed by ourself and certificated by our Bureau of Standard in Taiwan. I sincerely invite you to visit our company and show you our work . tks.
hi i just want to know about the whole plant that can produce petrol from waste plastic material.i am from pakistan and interested to install that plant so please contact with me or send me the complete details regarding your product with all specifications
We need to know how many waste plastics you want to process in one day. Daily amount of waste plastics are 20 tons in our standard line , over the number , another equipments will be added. We possess four patents in our country , all are invented by the purpose of friendly enviroment and saving energy . Such as emulsified oil from diesel which can lower your fuel fee about 20% . Gas converter can produce gas from diesel to lower the air pollution. Battery improving tech can prolong the batteery life 2 times . All this efforts are done with only one purpose to save our earth. It is hard to completely discribe our tech. here.Please, email to me. My
process is most videly use in india
hello sir
send full detail for plastik west to fule
ramesh patel 9879646588
urgently required for large scale plant
hello sir
I want purchase the lab scale model for (15kgs/4hr). Iam an India.Please help me in purchasing. contact 09894064257
liked the idea. give us more detail to facilitate our project. thanks hope for your prompt reply.
Hi All,
Please understand that this is simply a blog post on plastic waste fuel. If you desire to communicate with the manufacturers please write to the companies listed above. Thanks.
Hi Sir,
I am interested so please send to my email id with full details.
Thank you sir, for giving me invitation to your plant.
First of all, this type of plants can not be ‘100% pllution free’. No matter whatever technology you use to control the emissions from your plant you will end up emitting CO2 and CO atleast along with water (not steam/water only). May be you are also conrolling SOx and NOx but I am sure that by doing this you are definetly incresing your plant OPEX.
I can accept that you can managae 100% PVC without any cholrine problem but I think you should put it this way : ‘Our system can handle 100% PVC without any environmental problem’ but the person who is processing PVC will definetly face economic problem because of low quality and low quantity of fuel generated.
I respect and honor the efforts you are making to save the mother earth and my best wishes for possesing four environmental friendly patents.
can you send us the quotation for this plant.
Dr Dheeraj: I thank you for your comment and I hope you coming to our plant , to see is to believe. In our plant , we recollect gas for fuel ,we also recollect chloride which can be sell as another product. The plant OPEX is extremely low because we use recollected gas for fuel with very little electrical power .We guarantee our plant 5 year warranty . We reclaim our investment in 10 months in my country , net profit at least 25-30 thousand USD per day ( one line assess ) by different products . We pass harsh examination of National bureau of environmental protection , certainly , it must be compliance with world environmental standard . Modern technology is in rapid progress , it is all possible to develop any tech. We are not dare to say world number one in the field but we can proudly say we have found the good way to solve the waste plastic and earn the money in an extraordinary effective way. thanks .
Sir, you are saying that net profit is at least 25-30 K USD per day. A plant with throughput of 20 Tons/day will generate approx 16000 Liters (100 bbl) of oil. If we assume that you are selling your oil at the price of best crude oil which is 111 $/bbl then you will end-up with net sales of 11K USD/day. Then after this you need to subtract the cost of your raw material procurement (which is the cost at which you procured 20 tons of waste plastic). After this you will deduct the plant energy cost as well as your man power cost. Now At the end while calculating your net profit please deduct the taxes and transportation coasts which you will definitely pay to sell your product.
Please for further details you could mail me :
May be the net profit saying is not acturally correct . My calculation does not include tax or trasportation fee .Our line have 3 types , 30 , 20 and 10 ton. Here is my calculation. 30 tons raw materials which comes from landfill( mean the cost is very low , even free ) can produce plastic oil around 22.5ton (75% converting rate) After distillation , we choose naphtha as our final product . 22.5 ton of plastic oil can produce nearly 20-18 tons of naphtha as scouing oil that equal to 24000L(max)-21600L(min) . Each liter naphtha (cleaning naphtha ) price is 3USD in Taiwan, actually 72000-64800 USD per day . IN the previous comment , 25000-30000 USD is based on diesel product . In our company , we can help you to produce any kind of produts which must be in the plastic oil material. If you want to prduce lubricating oil , it will be not a good choice from platic oil. We will suggest another replaced material that all can be chosen . My company possess many patents in renewable energy issue . I hope this will help your country in energy problems . thank.
Sir, My observations:
1) – I agree with you that 30 tons of waste plastic which come from landfill will cost you very low but as per my knowledge landfill MSW contains no more than 15-20% (by weight) as waste plastic. It means to extract the 30 tons of waste plastic from the landfill waste you need to process (sort or separate) at least 150 tons of landfill waste which will definitely increase your cost of processing. For reference please go through the landfill waste composition.
2)- I agree with you that you can generate 20 tons (24000 liters) of naphtha from 30 tons of plastic. But Naphtha is used primarily as feedstock for producing gasoline/petrol (via the catalytic reforming process). It means naphtha acts as raw material for petrol. Now in this world the maximum price of petrol is 2.6USD/Liter (which is in Norway). Now as per you each liter of naphtha price is 3USD/liter (‘I am amazaed’). It means refineries are procuring the raw material for their fuel at 3USD/Liter and selling their fuel at lesser cost. (I dont think that can happen). Even in your country the selling cost of gasoline/petrol is 1.25 USD/liter only. Please explain this. Is this naphtha which you are generating is used for ‘Rocket Fuel’. ๐
For any further query please contact me through my E-mail:
Dear Sir :
The average contains of waste plastic in landfill are 25% in my country and we process by automatic clasification machine of landfill without much problem . We can achieve satisfactorily raw materials with cheapest cost .
Naphtha is not used for oil making but for indutrial need ,such as polish , clean machine , remove grease , paint stains , ect . There are 3 major imported naphtha countries in asia that are include Taiwan , Japan , Korea . These countries are definetely not use naphtha for oil consumption but for indutrial use. We produce the highest level of naphtha which used in computer company to remove stain and computer clean work . These kind of naphtha can sell 3 times more price than regular nathpha .
Here I want to say the tech of waste pastic to oil is no longer problem . It is clean and profitable business. We can change garbage into any kind of energy , oil, gas , electricity . We are willing to share the tech in business with our partner .thanks . Any question , please mail me:
Thank you sir for your replies.
It is very nice that you are getting the plastic at very low cost in your country and your automatic classification machine is processing it very well. But most of the time when you’ll find people interested in this business the main problem which they face is plastic procurement and its coasting. Although I also agree that this business in clean and profitable too but its profitability varies with plastic cost which varies place to place. There are various countries where plastic cost is very high (due to very high % of recycling rate), then the complete economic depends on the optimized process design. So I think that this business is profitable but only for them who have ample amount of waste plastic source at cheap cost.
I don’t know much about the product which you mentioned -‘Cleaning Naphtha’ so I can not comment on its market price. But for your information- you can check on internet or you can contact in refineries that what they use with the naphtha. Before some year most of the naphtha was used to produce oil only. But now a days refineries are having naphtha plants through which they produce naphtha for commercial purpose like cleaning and as solvents.
i m a student , wish to take an initiative in india about this project. i want all details regarding investment , setup , machinery and expecting alot from your side
thank you
deepak kumar
Dear Deepak,
It in not a very simple task to calculate the investment of this type of plants. No one can give you this type of data because it depends on various factors like plant size, your vendor selection, plant fabrication cost etc. First define the scope of your work by creating some prerequisite data to perform the investment analysis. I think it is a very nice project and it will help you to understand the technical as well as economical aspects of a process plant. But to do this project you need to work hard.
I would suggest first study the process and operations (there are plenty of sources are there on internet for process design) involved in this project. Make a sheet which should contain all the equipment, machines, piping, valves etc required for this type of set-ups. Then start searching for the vendors who can provide you the details of these equipment and ask them for quotations. By doing all this you can easily get what you need.
For any further detail, mail me at –
I just want to know about the project and the budget for this project and the management. waiting for your reply
Hi Concern
I would like to know the quotation of this plant.Can you please send me the quotation for a medium scale business.Actually i am in Kerala and planning to start this business.I don’t have any worry about the raw material ,that will get for free of cost.
The budget of this type of projects largely depends on your plant throughput (capacity in Tons/Day). As per my opinion a plant with a capacity of 5 Tons/day is fairly good in a country like India where procurement of waste plastic itself become a headache to the investors (due high rate of recycling in India).
Now getting ‘Quotations’ of this type of plants in India seems difficult because of the lack of experienced supplier of this plant. And even if someone is claiming to give the quotations then it is my suggestion that you ask whether he has supplied similar type of plant anywhere in India or not.
As per good engineering & fabrication practice it is necessary to have basic ‘front end engineering design’ to calculate the initial capital investment of a plant and if someone is giving a random cost figure without having a clear picture of plant design then please do not move forward with these type of people.
A plant with capacity of 5Tons/Day will cost around 50-60 Lacs INR if you are getting it fabricated with good quality material. Now a days some of the fabricators have started to claim that they can give this plant at 70-75% of above mentioned cost but the quality of the material which they use for fabrication is very poor and the plant life is not more than 3-5 years.
For any technical/commercial help mail me at:
it is one of the best project .I just want to know about the project and the budget for this project and the management. waiting for your reply
Dear sir,
I am interested about diesel production machine from wast plastic and polymers. Please help me to know how I buy a machine and it’s concept of business.
1st govt. Have to ban on production of plastic bags, polythene. Substitute it with paper bags. And collect all kind of plastic material from all over earth (with the help of ragpickers and local people) and send it into space or on another planet or on sun(if possible). May be it can increase space pollution but they can save the earth. If govt. Want to do this then they can do this.
Dear Mr/Ms
How are you
I am from in Turkey
I want product waste plastic oil
capacity: 5000 kg/day
send me please technicial information and price information
For plant budget and technical information read mt comments below. For any technical / commercial issues you can mail me your queries at my email ID –
Dear Sir
I would like to establish pyrolysis plant that produce mainly furnace oil from waste tires basically and waste plastic generally. I need some more questions about the following points:
1. I need a plant that gives me 10 ton/ day as a final product. Can you offer this plant to me? Do you have plants with capacity more than this? Tell me more please.
2. The price of all above systems including the accessories in USD?
3. Time of every stage during production (feeding,processing,carbon discharge, cooling down,…).
4. The cooling system is used in the plant is it cooling tower or pool.
5. Would you please give me more details about heating system?
6. Does the system use only tires and rubber or it is universal (also uses waste plastics).
7. Amount of fuel needed and sort of fuel per/day.
8. The Consumption of electricity for the whole plant.
Thank you very much for your attention, and I hope to communicate together and discuss deeply in the pyrolysis process and plant parts.
You’re sincerely,
Asim Atia
dear sir,
one thing which i’m asking to u that CHAR which is a byproduct of the process,what about which amount this is produced from approx. 25kg. of waste plastic.
dear sir, we are intersted to set up the plastic waste to oil conversin plant here in india. if you can supply the technology then plant and machinery then do provide us the detailed project report with investment incurred with Return on investemnt.
sincerely yours,
Jagat dedhia
i m a manvir singh , wish to take an initiative in india about this project. i want all details regarding investment , setup , machinery and expecting alot from your side
thank you
Hi There,
I am currently based in Scotland U.K. I have started my waste management company last year in Glasgow. Now I would like to set up a plant which converts waste plastic into fuel/ Oil. Right now there is a large opportunity in these area specially in uk.
So, I would like to get more information about setting up a plant of 20 tonne per day capacity in Scotland.
Could you please help me out get me all the information about this plant?
Thank You.
Hi Namitesh,
You have a very valid question about CHAR production as a byproduct from this process. The production of char may vary from 10-40 % depending upon the type of waste plastic. Usually hard plastic results in lesser amount of CHAR production as compared to film plastics. If your waste plastic is highly contaminated with dirt and mud then char production will go up.
Usually this char is of good quality and could be sold to Activated Carbon production units.
For any query you can directly contact me through my Email –
It would be better and easier for me to understand your requirements and your plan to move ahead in this project when we talk through email.
I will try my best to help you people.
For any of queries feel free to contact me through my Email –
Hi Mr. Jagat,
I want to tell you that I am not a machinery supplier for plastic to oil. I am simply just an engineer and I have this much knowledge of pyrolysis process because I have worked as Plant Operation Engineer in a ‘plastic waste to fuel’ organization. I can help you in technical and commercial issues related to this type of process engineering projects.
Hello everyone! I’m Eliza and I’m working on a project to invent something new or different. I just thought of making a machine that changes waste plastic into fuel. I came to know that maybe it’s already invented. Anyways, this seems interesting so please can someone help me in this? I’m only a 12 year old kid and don’t know much. I want to make something like that for a competition, I’ll be grateful if someone helps me. Thanks
we are interested in this plant so please send more info of this machine for price & capacity per day
Dear sir ,
I am quite surprised that in this world of technologies there can be done anything , science had made us to move much far to ones presence mind . I want to knoe the process and how much it costthe precess and as well as machine . I want to do big in my life .. want to earn money too much .. today n future tommorrow are and having two major demands that is petrol n waste or garbage material .. the demand of it will never go down .. so sir pls mail me or reply me how to convert garbage to gas or petrol .. and also let m know theprice n precedure of the machine . I from India so don’t know about this tech .
Sir I would be waiting for your reply .. kindly reply me as soon as possible .
My email is —
Mobile number — 918866724780 ..
Dear Sir
I would like to establish pyrolysis plant that produce mainly furnace oil from waste tires basically and waste plastic generally. I need some more questions about the following points:
1. I need a plant that gives me 10 ton/ day as a final product. Can you offer this plant to me? Do you have plants with capacity more than this? Tell me more please.
2. The price of all above systems including the accessories in USD?
3. Time of every stage during production (feeding,processing,carbon discharge, cooling down,…).
4. The cooling system is used in the plant is it cooling tower or pool.
5. Would you please give me more details about heating system?
6. Does the system use only tires and rubber or it is universal (also uses waste plastics).
7. Amount of fuel needed and sort of fuel per/day.
8. The Consumption of electricity for the whole plant.
Thank you very much for your attention, and I hope to communicate together and discuss deeply in the pyrolysis process and plant parts.
sir, i want to make it as my engg project work. can u pls tell me the parts and estmtd cost required to make it at small level.