Plastic bottles and other upcycle-able materials as never before.
The Colourball
By the amazing Heath Nash of South Africa.
Multicolour flower and butterfly shapes attached to a handmade wire structure.
Small: 400mm diam – 240 flowers, Medium: 500mm diam
Large: 600mm diam, Extra large: 800mm diam
The Colourball process
- Lots of bottles are found, sorted and collected.
- They are washed very thoroughly (with bio-degradable detergent) and dried.
- The handles and bases are carefully removed, and each bottle is splayed open into a semi-flat ‘sheet’.
- As many flowers as possible are cut from each bottle.
- Now each flower has to be formed from a ‘flattish’ shape into a more 3-dimenional form – each petal is folded in half, and individual lines are creased into each (by hand). This forms the flower, and makes it more translucent where the lines are… adding to the detail and finish of the finished piece. (So if a flower has 6 petals, and there are 9 lines on each one, someone has creased 54 lines! For ONE flower).
- Finally, One flower is done!
- The excess plastic off cuts are returned to the recyclers.
Description: White recycled plastic flowers on wire structure
Sizes available: Standard: 400mm w x 550mm h
Large: 500mm x 450mm h
Extra large: 700mm x 450mm h
Multicolour bottleform sections on hand-made wire structure
Colours available: Multicolour
Sizes available: One size: 500mm
Tide Chandelier
Stuart Haygarth’s 1.5 meter wide Tide Chandelier made of plastic debris. Made from a collection of ‘ man made’ debris washed up on the Kent coastline.
Fabric softener handles strung together with waxed thread
Colours available: Translucent white
Sizes available: 3 tier: 300mm h x 150mm diam
4 tier: 400mm h x 150mm diam
6 tier: 500mm h x 150mm diam
Milkhandleform ball
Ball made from strung together milk bottle handles
Colours available: White
Sizes available: Standard: 400mm diam
Yoghurt containers cut into flower shapes and attached together with wire components
Colours available: White with red, yellow, white flower centres
Sizes available: 350mm diam
Plastic Bottle Chandeliers
By Johanna Keimeyer
Soda bottle chandelier
By: Shaun Kasperbauer
Plastic Plate Light
By Matteo De Colle
Straw Chandelier
Gulp Lamp
Plastic Cup Chandelier
By Aeolus
Pendant Lamp
Detergent bottle tops, wire.
Heath Nash, Capetown, South Africa
The Protea
Polypropylene with stainless steel fitting
Colours available: White
An early work – check if still making this model…
Keyboard Parts Lamp
By Nolan Herbut of Alberta, Canada
Six-Pack Pendant Light
By Bao-Khang Luu
See How-To here:
Dripped Plastic Floor Lamps
Designer: Yaron Elyasi
After melting the plastic, it’s dribbled onto a mold in a free form manner.
Stuart Haygarth — Optical
Created from over 4500 prescription spectacle lenses. The lenses are hung on monofilament line which hang from a platform. Price on request.
Tape Lamp
Tape Lamp
The lamp is completely hand-assembled in San Francisco from laser cut plexiglass and one hundred micro-cassetes. Transparent House produces only 2-3 lamps a month. $1200.
Milk Jug Lamps
Milkit by Alexandru Adam and Steven Koch at Play Design is a kit designed to assist you in turning a milk bottle in to a stylish table lamp.
Plastic Bottle Lamp
By Reta & Vana Howell
Each piece contains 50-100 water/soda bottles depending on its size. Hardened via a unique fusion process, extremely durable and has the extreme appearance of glass. See more:
Plastic layered and melted on your shade
By Caroline Saul
Plastic Bottle Chandelier Kit
Walking-Chair Design Studio
Use 20 oz bottles any color. 9 bottles €40. 33 bottles €250.
Plastic Bottle Lamp
By Matteo De Colle
Gramma Lamp
Never thought to crochet that extra speaker wire before?
“Re-use as a design tool (and material) is still extremely under explored, and it holds so much potential – both as a source of raw material and as a beautiful limitation.”
Heath Nash
All of it–such wonderful inspiration and information. Thank you for collecting and publishing it!!
There are items on here that I think Chihuly would be proud of! : ) FANTASTIC!!!
Great work! thank you. It is nice to know there is many of us working on the same theme.
Here are my lamps: hope you like them.
Is this possible and if so how do I accomplish this? I want to make a green house for propagating plants.
Thank you, Karen
Strange i made somthing like your cup chandelier 4 years ago. But it was for a cafitaria, like a cupholder…
I am so inspired after finding this site. I am pinning it on Pinterest so others can find it too.
very inspirational !!
It is so cool, i just need to be imformed.
I did several recycling items already, but now i also want to be systematized.
Thank you, let’s save what we can!
Wow, this was an inspiring look at some amazing work. Thank you.
These are really awesome. I’m always looking for ways to upcycle. what kind of fixtures were used? I would worry about it melting. Has anyone tried LED bulbs?
are the haygarth’s for sale anywhere? if so, where?
tel:+44(0)20 7503 4142
mob: +44(0)7970 960 715
good, creative idea
some great ideas and uses. very inspiring and got my thoughts light up.