When you consider gardening in a heavily watered area, it is important to know which plants will thrive.
Anything, from the sun you get to the seeds you buy, can affect the growth of your plants. When people struggle to grow healthy plants, it’s often because they live in wet climates—either it rains a lot or they’re near a body of water.
Not to worry—some plants love the water just as much as you. Read on to discover 6 plants that like wet soil.
Do You Have Wet Soil?
You may think that you have fairly wet soil, but your drainage could be so good that it doesn’t necessarily affect your plants. It is important to distinguish whether water is from the soil or due to drainage issues. Here is an easy way to determine what type of soil you have.
Start by digging a small ditch with a straight side and approximately 2 ft. deep. Covering the ditch to keep rain from interfering, leave the ditch overnight.
In the morning, if water has collected, you have a high water table. A high water table often occurs when you’re close to sea level. In conclusion, this indicates you have wet soil.
To test your drainage, fill the already dug ditch approximately half way and cover it for 24 hours. If water remains when you uncover the ditch, you may have to work on your yard’s drainage.
6 Plants That Like Wet Soil
1. Swamp Azaleas
Swamp Azaleas (Rhododendron viscosum) produce a hearty, white flower for your green backyard. This shrub is perfect for the front of your house, or the edge of your yard, because it grows to be around 5 ft. tall and 12 ft. wide.
This perennial is so hearty that it is actually described by Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center as “flood-tolerant.” If your yard often floods after rain, or holds water, these rhododendrons are perfect. In addition, the Swamp Azaleas are beneficial for bumble bees.
2. Primrose
If you’re looking to liven up your yard, another possibility is planting Primrose. These plants flower in multiple colors, with variations from red, orange, pink, yellow, and white. These plants begin to blossom in early spring and continue blossoming through the summer.
Primrose does well in wet soil because it is a hardy plant that can adapt to many different climates. Though it is important to have proper drainage for these plants to grow healthily.
3. Bee Balm
For more color, and something that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, try planting Bee Balm. This perennial can grow quite large and produces vibrant pink flowers that will liven up your space. Along with attracting butterflies, Bee Balm resists deer.
Bee Balm, otherwise known as “Pardon My Pink,” thrives in damp climates because it does best in moist soil.
4. Elephant Ears
There is nothing more tropical than planting a few Colocasias, commonly called Elephant Ears, in front of your house. Be sure to leave plenty of room for these guys because they can grow to be quite large. In fact, the foliage resembles an elephant’s ear, hence the name.
These hearty plants do very well in wet soil; however, they prefer warmer climates. During the cooler months, it is recommended to cover these plants or bring them indoors.
5. Jack-In-The-Pulpit
Growing to about three feet tall, Jack-in-the-Pulpit loves a moist climate and needs very little care overall. This interesting plant produces a hooded flower that grows out of its own individual stalk.
Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a unique plant that looks like no other, and it will thrive in forest areas, woodlands, swamps, and marshes.
6. The Bleeding Heart
The Bleeding Heart, or the Dicentra spectabilis, is fast-growing and needs consistent watering to grow. The Bleeding Heart produces flowers that vary in shades of red and are shaped like small hearts.
They bloom in late spring and easily germinate by themselves if left alone. In addition, the Bleeding Heart attracts hummingbirds and is deer resistant. This might be one of the most beautiful plants that like wet soil.
Consider Improving Your Drainage
The several plants mentioned above will do well in wet climates and liven up your living space. Even with these plants, the drainage in your yard should not be neglected. Standing pools of water can easily attract mosquitoes with dangerous diseases.
In some cases, standing water from poor drainage can even cause root rot in the hardiest of plants that like wet soil.

Signs of root rot are yellowing or drooping leaves that will eventually die if not treated. Root rot can spread to other healthy plants, and may even stay in the soil after an infected plant dies.
There are two causes of root rot. Although a fungus can lead to root rot, over-watering is the most common cause. This is the main concern for planters trying to grow in wet climates. Therefore, it is important to consider improving your drainage before planting.
Enjoy these six plants that like wet soil and will even thrive in wet climates.
Hey, Thanks for this informative post, I would like to add up one more beautiful plant Roses. Roses love clay soil because of the lack of quick drainage, clay soil can be rich in certain minerals that sandy soils are not and you don’t have to water as often since the soil particles are very small and tend to clump together keeping them moist. Thanks!