Using undergrowth, twigs, tips and small branches to make fences. Brushwood fences were probably one of the earliest fence types constructed in Japan. Today brushwood fences are very popular in Australia as well.

Bamboo brushwood fence. Using the twigs and tips of the bamboo.
Brushwood fence at the Rakusai Bamboo Park in Kyoto. Originally found at “”
Another bamboo brushwood fence.
Brushwood and bamboo panel fence in Kyoto.
Image by: Jeffrey Friedl Originally found at “”
Daitoku-ji gaki en sode-gaki screen.

Trimmed brushwork screen.
Rakusai Bamboo Park in Kyoto. Bamboo tips are long-lasting as long as they are not sitting in water. Originally found at “”
Brushwood fence made with thin bamboo branches.
Shibagaki: An ancient style of brushwood fence. Construction requires bound brooms of brushwood to be set vertically against horizontal bamboo bars, and bound in place with wisteria vines. The three most common variants are aoshibagaki, made from fresh brushwood, koshibagaki, a low version, and uguisugaki, a short partition fence made exclusively from spicebush (Lindera umbellata) and popular in contemporary tea gardens.
Via: Originally found at “”
Brushwood Fencing with bamboo supports. Originally found at “”
Low brushwood fence.
How to build a low brush fence in images originally found at “”
Daimyo Fence at Kumamoto en, the Japanese garden at San Antonio Botanical Garden. A compacted bamboo brushwood fence might last 20 years or more.
Daitokuji-gaki style bamboo fence with mail slot.
Brushwood fence behind espalier. Building a roll top cap on your brushwood fence extends its life and adds a finished look. See video below.
Brushwork and brick fence with roll top cap in Australia. Originally found at “”
Brushwork fence with roll top cap in Sydney, Australia. Originally found at “”
Brushwork fence with roll top cap in Australia. Guaranteed to last twenty years or more.
Brushwood screen that has been sheared at the top.
Brushwood bundles connected to make a fence. Takehokaki: a bundle of branches of bamboo.
Brushwood bundles. Teppõ-gaki fence.
Taimatsu-gaki or Torch fence.
Brushwood fence at the “Tea Ceremony House,” a collaboration installation of Hiroshi Sugimoto & Sumitomo Wood at House Vision 2013 Tokyo. Found on Pinterest no source.
Bamboo and brushwood roll fence. Bamboo rolls are readily available and make fence construction easy. Originally found at “”
Horizontal, untamed brushwood fence.
How to Build a Brushwood Fence Australian-style.
Brushwood Fence Resources
- Example of Panels for Sale:
- Brushwood fencing for sale on eBay.
- How to build a low brush fence:
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